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Judah scream so loud, he can't handle the pain that his scar is giving him until his eyes turns red, his body is giving him so much energy, the scar is glowing until his room went back to normal. He is just looking down, standing, his arms are in a resting position beside him until he look at the mirror on his room it cracked and the flame starts, under his bed and smokes are everywhere in his room the alarm on his room start to ring. Jane and other nurses look at his room, they can see the smoke coming out through the open space below his door. Jane and the other nurses run to Judah's room until it exploded. Jane and the other staff flew cause of the explosion, she lost her consciousness. Judah sit on his bed while the other nurses running and try to save the other patients, he rise his right arm and the flames surrounds him it's like the flames are trying to protect Judah and he can control it too. 

The explosion shake the base and the boys heard it, they went down with Crip and Christian they saw Judah, they field with terror Xy, Marty, and Mc knows that the boy who's in front of them are not there friend. Someone is controlling him and they know it is Glen, whatever he wants from Judah it doesn't matter anymore all they want is to stop him and rescue there friend. Judah laugh so hard, he rise his right arm again and point it to there direction the flame emerge from the floor and like a flamethrower it hits them Xy, Marty and Mc closes there eyes they thought that the flame will hit them. When they open there eyes they saw Crip holding a big table to shield them Judah didn't stop there he rise his arm again and the flame turn into a circular figure like fire balls, it hit the table that Crip is holding until it breaks in half. Judah form the flame into a big fire ball he will destroy the Bones base, For them Judah is out of control his possessed power is unbeatable until they saw a black cloth fall from the ceiling and it covers the fire ball and Judah. Crips is familiar with that cloth he look around and saw Leto, the cloth is automatically closed until Judah calms and the fire ball vanished. Leto walks towards them and the other member of the bones stop the fire before it burn the whole base.

"You guys okay?" asked Leto.

Crip and Christian stand up but the boys they are still in shocked about what happened to Judah, they can't forget his face that devil face of him. 

"Thank you Leto." said Crip.

 Christian simply bow his head to the one of the pillars of Lake shore. Leto saw the three boys and look at Crip confused, like who are this young kids? and what are they doing in Crip's base.

"New recruits?" asked Leto confused.

"Ah, sort of, well I'll explain it you to later." said Crip.

Christian call the other bone members to fic the medical floor area and put Judah somewhere safe in the building. 

"Hey kids you guys okay?" asked Leto.

Xy, Marty and Mc simultaneously look at Leto they didn't answer right away too much is happening in this room, first Judah and now they meet another member of the three Pillars. Until they come to there senses and stand up quickly and can't keep there eyes away to Leto, they are so amazed. 

"You guys want to say something?" asked Leto.

"Oh wow, we just can't get over about what happened here and seeing you." said Xy.

"yeah, but thank you so much for helping us." said Marty.

"we don't know what will happened if you didn't come." said Mc.

As the flames vanished in the medical floor area of the base Crip, Christian and Leto went to bones office room to talk. While Xy, Marty and Mc went to there rooms along the way they saw Judah laying on the other room with other nurses looking at him the three boys felt sad seeing there friend in that condition, the evil face of Judah are still in there minds they want to help him and for that to happened they must defeat Glen no matter what it takes.

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