Chapter 19

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Tsunami POV

"Right. All the exits have been blocked with guards so no one can sneak in, for sure, and none of the guards noticed anything abnormal."

"That's right, your highness."

"And the only people who entered my mother's room during the night were a few patrolling guards and two of the council officials."

"Yes, your highness."

"Who were the two council officials?"

"Uh, Lionfish, the new SeaWing general, and Typhoon, the, uh, Royal Scribe."

Dang it. Typhoon, again. But as much as I despised him, I couldn't believe him to have attacked mother. He had no guts and no strength.

And this Lionfish happened to be an expert in warfare who had no proof that he wouldn't murder, while Typhoon had a couple of years of his position with no black marks to prove it. Things were looking bleak for Lionfish.

I'd already visited Mother, who was fine and even conscious. Thankfully. The knife only just missed her vitals. Somehow. So, thinking of it that way, Typhoon was more likely. Otherwise, Mother just happened to secretly be a war general who'd trained for years.

There had been nothing in her room that hadn't previously be there, and not a single thing out of place, except for an ornamental headress covered in jewels that I'd never seen before, but then, jewellery's all over the palace. The style definitely wasn't anything modern either, grand and huge.

I paced up and down the hallway once more. Goodness knows why they ask someone like me to try to find stuff up; I'm far too dumb for this. I eventually just give up and leave the hallway, thinking instead about Sapphire, still getting no answer, and henceforth irritatedly going to bed.

The next day, Mother went out in public and showed she wasn't dead, blah blah blah, and held a council. Unknown to anyone, guards were surrounding her, undercover, killing anyone who showed any sign of suspicion. We were sitting in the council room with ten bulky guards when suddenly, the door was flung open.

"Prince Crabfish is gone!" A soldier burst in with alarm. 

"Who's Crabfish?" Me and Mother both asked simultaneously. Then I processed what he said. "What? My brother?"

Mother had also understood. "A prince has been taken? A prince? This is an insult to the SeaWing throne!" She declared angrily and loudly. She then coughs and specks of blood spurts out. SeaWings shout with alarm and rush forward. I do as well, worried. Mother waves everyone off and continued. "Oh, and my son's gone, but that's less important," she added in an afterthought, nonchalantly. I sighed heavily with exasperation and frustration.

"We need to go and rescue them!" Mother continued raging. "From wherever they are! Where are the guards that protect him?" she growled angrily, then coughed. The soldier shivered with fright. 

"Dead, Majesty, their blood painted on the wall like with the General," he sqeuaked. "It said that for him to be freed..."

"Yes?" Mother growled.

"For Crabfish to be freed, Tsunami had to marry Typhoon."

shorter than I wanted it but i have school tomorrow and i need to go to sleep now so bai

i promise ill update soon for real this time!!

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