Chapter 1 - Stalking

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2021 edit – this was made back in 2019, and is, frankly, quite terrible, even after i edited it, just so you know. the writing is pretty terrible up until somewhere like chapter 10.

Riptide POV

Alright. Don't let her find out your there. That's right, sneaking. I shouldn't be stalking her but that's what I'm doing. I could just approach her, really, but what's the fun in that?
I think my hiding place is quite good. I blend in with the sea when I flash my scales a little bit. There, just the right shade. She won't see you, wait for it and pounce.
I wonder why she's here. I thought she was in JMA!
Alright, she's nearly above you...3...2...1...spring!

Tsunami POV
I feel myself being dragged underwater. I try to wriggle free, but the attacker's too strong. I fall into the water with a huge splash. My gills flutter open as I'm drenched in salt water. Goodness, when was the last time I swam in salt water?
Suddenly, I kick my attacker. He let's me go and I flip over. Haha, I kicked him in the place-the-sun-doesn't-shine. He tried to yelp, wow. Didn't he know he would dri-
Wait, that's Riptide! Why was he attacking me?
Squid brain, I flash, Why are you attacking me?
I just wanted to give you a surprise, he flashes back.
I snorted and drank a ton of water. Guess I don't learn from other's mistakes.
Let's go up, I flash. I still need to learn more Aquatic.
We burst out of the water and landed on the white sand amongst the beach.
"I thought you were in JMA," he exclaimed.
"I thought you were either in prison, dead or on guard again," I replied.
Riptide snorted. "She wouldn't kill me, she has no proof. I was on guard again. But she doesn't trust me anyway, so she has like a hundred backups. I'm pretty sure those backups are supposed to make sure I don't kill someone, though. The only thing she's been doing is starving me."
"Starving you! How?"
"I'm not allowed to hunt, not allowed to buy things, people aren't allowed to sell things, so on."
"Poor you!"
"Well not really, because I mean, I can hunt outside the kingdom. So I'm not exactly almost dead from hunger, more fasting. Besides, she's right to do so bec-"
I cut him off by hitting his snout with my tail.
"Ow!" he complained.
"Softie." I rolled my eyes.
"It hurts!" He continued to whine.
"What do you want?" I grumbled.
He smirked.
I slapped his nose again.
"C'mon! I was just–"
Ugh, fine, whatever.
I pressed my lips to his.

Riptide POV
"I was just-"
Oh wow. Oh wow oh wow oh wow. Oh wow. Three moons.
She's kissing me. Wow. That is just...
Three moons.
Then...she stopped. I almost sighed in annoyance out loud.
"Will you shut up now?"
Alright, I guess that's fair.
"Where are you going,?"
"Me? I'm visiting Mother, she told me to go."
"Oh. OK."
Not to visit me? I mean, not complaining, I still get to see her.
"Well I'd better go now. Mother expects me before lunch and if I don't arrive on time." said Tsunami.
"You make it sound like you hate her," I chuckled.
Tsunami looked uncomfortable. "I don't hate her. She can be a good mother. I just can't...we have our differences."
"Fair enough. I get that." Me and Webs have always had a kinda awkward relationship. "Anyway, I gotta go too, before I get killed by a guard. See you around, I guess."
Tsunami smiled at me and took off, flying away into the distance, vanishing in the horizon.

Can't Shred Our Love - RipnamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora