Chapter 28: Wicked Dawn/Part 2

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She turned and took off running toward the ring of fire, catching up to Carlos and Mal as they were roughly knocked away once more.

"We can't get through it!" Carlos shouted. "The magic's too powerful! Even Mal can't conjure up a spell to counter it!" He held a hand up in front of his face to shield his eyes from the flames as they lashed out dangerously.

Evie felt his panic in her own heart. Doug. She had to get through the flames. But how? If Mal wasn't powerful enough, then how could she possibly have a chance? And then it hit her. There was only one thing more magical than Mal...and that was the Dragonstone. "The stone!" she gasped, falling into Mal desperately. "Mal! I need the Dragonstone!"

The purplette's eyes widened as she realized Evie's plan. "Yes! Yes, of course! Here!" She fumbled around in her pockets for a second before drawing the stone from her pocket and handing it to Evie forcibly. "Go!" she yelled. Evie didn't wait. She turned and, without a second of hesitation, threw herself forward into the flames.

She landed neatly on the other side, the fire not responding to her at all. She didn't have time to revel in this victory, however, as her eyes fell on Doug who was lying a few feet away. He was so still...Evie could barely hold back the tears of fear that she might already be too late.

"DOUG!" she screamed.

At this, Morgana finally seemed to realize that something was awry. Her eyes snapped open and she twisted around, but Evie was already almost to the dwarf. Tears stinging her eyes, the bluenette fell to her knees beside her true love, taking his hand and checking frantically for a pulse. It was there, but it was so incredibly weak...and was progressively slowing. Morgana's spell was almost complete.

"Doug..." Evie whispered gently, brushing his cheek tenderly and squeezing his hand tighter. "I'm here. Doug, please, fight it. I know you can. I've seen you do so many incredible things. I need you to fight now, for us. Doug, you are the NeoMerlin. Your Auradon's hero...and mine."

"Oh how pathetic," Morgana hissed. Evie looked up and she was struck with a powerful surge of electricity that sent her flying backward onto the grass near the edge of the flames, wheezing. "You can't save him! You're the reason he's here in the first place!" She cackled. It was a wicked sound.

Evie staggered back to her feet defiantly. She could feel the heat in her palms as her magic began to churn. She had had just about enough of the sorceress and all of her evil tricks and lies. "Get away from him," she spat, summoning her own magic and launching it at the witch. Morgana didn't even glance over as the spell passed right through her and disappeared into the forest. "I SAID GET AWAY!" She ran at the sorceress and punched at her head as hard as she could. Morgana stepped back and Evie slugged thin air.

The red-headed witch laughed, stepping behind Evie and striking her hard in the back. The bluenette gasped and rolled into the grass next to Doug.

"Your resistance is weak," Morgana spat. "The boy could never have saved you. Merlin was a fool to try and establish peace between villains and heroes. In the end, evil always wins." She raised her weapon high above her head and prepared to bring it swinging down on Evie.

Evie covered her head with her arms, bracing for the end.

Suddenly, she felt movement beside her. Through her closed eyelids, she perceived a flash of blue light, followed by Morgana's petrified scream. Silence fell over the clearing. And then Evie could hear a weak voice whisper in her ear.

"Evie. You can look up now."

Doug! Evie's head shot up in shock, nearly bonking Doug's as he leaned over to help her up. He took her hand. She could feel him quivering still. But the spell...the spell was broken. And Morgana? Evie glanced once around the clearing. The sorceress was gone. "" Evie stammered in confusion.

"That's me." He gave her a goofy grin. "Where you expecting someone else? "

Evie gasped and elbowed him in the ribs. "You scared me!" she scolded him as he fell back, wheezing and laughing breathlessly. "Don't do that! Do you have any idea how frightened I was? I thought I'd lost you!"

Doug struggled back into a sitting position. He took a deep breath and stared firmly into her eyes. "Evie, I'm here. I'm never going to leave you. All right?"

Evie pulled him in for a tight hug. He grunted but quickly returned it. They kept hugging, even as the flames trickled away into nonexistence and the others surrounded them, cheering, whooping, and patting Doug on the back.

"Here," Ben spoke up suddenly, leaning over and handing Doug Fairy Godmother's wand. Evie looked at him questioningly, wondering how he'd got his hands on that. He shrugged in response. "I think you should have the honors. Bring down the barrier. Again."

The group laughed as Doug straightened up and pointed the wand at the barrier. There was a rumble on the earth and a crash of thunder as the barrier exploded into nothingness and the bright sunlight could flood through the trees once more.

Evie laid her head on his shoulder and Mal did the same to Ben as the group stared up, satisfied, to receive the warmth and glow once more.

But there was still one more thing that bothered Evie. "Doug," she spoke up suddenly, twisting to face the dwarf who glanced back at her, a small, but confused smile on his lips.


"You're the NeoMerlin."

He blinked, confused. "Yeah? I know...?"

"But, how? I mean, your dad is Dopey right?"

Doug nodded. "Without a doubt. Evie? What are you getting at?"

"But, if Dopey is your father, and you're the NeoMerlin..." Evie trailed off, not sure how best to ask the question.

"Your mother must have been a villain," Jay finished for her. He glanced at her. "I mean, that was what you were trying to say, wasn't it?"

Evie nodded.

Doug sighed heavily. "I don't know. All my life, I was told my mother had died in a car accident. I never questioned it. But now, now I don't know what to believe. Yeah, I guess it's possible. She may be a villain. But it doesn't really matter now, does it? She wasn't a part of my life. I'm just fine not knowing who she is."

"Speaking of super evil ladies," Carlos piped up. " I know Evie's mom is back there." He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. "But where is Morgana?"

Doug and Evie looked at one another and it was Evie who spoke, securely keeping her arm around Doug, steadying him even though he appeared outwardly oriented. "Gone. Gone forever. It's all over. Auradon is safe."

Mal smiled gently. "We did it. We saved the world."

"Again," Jay and Carlos said together.

And, with those words, the world seemed to get just a little brighter.

Wicked Dawn | 'Till The Night Falls Book 1 (Disney Descendants)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu