Chapter 27: Wicked Dawn/ Part 1

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"Dooouuuggg," sang Evie as she stalked down the corridor toward his hiding spot. "Wheeerrreee areee yooouuuu? Come out of hiding, you little coward, and let's talk!"

Doug had his eyes squeezed shut in pain as he felt frantically for something to stop the bleeding. His back was on fire and he could feel the blood trickling between his fingers. He knew he had only moments before Evie found him and he'd have no way of warding her off. Not even mentioning Morgana who had to have almost caught up by now. How was he supposed to stop two villains alone? Where are the others when I need them?

"You thought I loved you?" Evie hissed in a voice very unlike her. "Me. The daughter of Evil Queen. In love with a pathetic dwarf like you?" She laughed wickedly. There was a flash of orange and a large chunk of rock near his head was blown away. "Who could love you? You're not rich, or handsome, or a prince! You are a nobody. Always have been. Always will be."

Doug held his breath, grimacing as the clack of Evie's boots drew nearer and nearer. He scanned the darkness surrounding him, hoping desperately to find something to use as a weapon. Nothing! There has to be something! There has to be! His mind was spinning, trying to come up with a plan of attack. But all he could think were the words being carved into his brain. Pathetic. Useless. Nobody. "You're not the real Evie!" he yelled back into the darkness. "The real Evie loves me! And I love her! She'd never say the things you are!"

Another blast. Inches away now. This was followed by a merciless laugh. Doug slid back, gasping with every movement. He had to escape. Escape or fight. And the second option was out of the question entirely. He could go further into the mines. Would that help? His screaming claustrophobic brain said no. His instincts said yes. He had to do something. And fast. Evie was almost to him.

"I never gave a grain of salt about you," Evie went on in the same tone. "You were just an easy way to hide my true self. Oh, let Mal and the others be good if they want. Evil is the only way to win. I thought you'd know that by now. Heroism has no place in this world, neither do insignificant dwarfs who want to play make-believe!" She reached his corner at last and, as though knowing his location the entire time, she whipped around and fired another orange ball of magic.

Doug had no time to dodge. The magic struck him in the chest and he went tumbling across the cold stone floor. His nerves felt like fire but still, he struggled to stand up and face down the taller girl. "Evie," he gasped, holding out a shaking but defensive hand. "Please...please..."

Evie cackled as she raised a glowing hand to her face thoughtfully. "Hmmm, now why does that sound familiar? Oh!" she snapped her fingers. "I know! My mother when your father chased her over that cliff! Dopey didn't give my mother any mercy. Why should I show any to you?"

"Because you're my true love," Doug breathed softly. Evie hadn't moved to attack him yet. That was good. A little bit of an improvement. But Evie was far from convinced. She looked...amused...more than anything else. "Because you love Auradon. You don't want to destroy it. And our friends. If you rule Auradon, what will happen to the others?"

Something flickered in Evie's expressionless eyes. Was he actually getting through to her? "Evie?" he whispered, pulling himself into a sitting position and gazing into her eyes hopefully. "Evie, are you in there? Evie?"

Evie blinked and lurched back with a cry of agony. Doug moved quickly to catch her. "Evie!"

She groaned, slowly opening her eyes and looking up at him. ""

Wicked Dawn | 'Till The Night Falls Book 1 (Disney Descendants)Where stories live. Discover now