Chapter 23: The Point of No Return

Start from the beginning

"We could go back to the cottage," Carlos suggested. "Try to contact the others. Get some reinforcements."

"No, too risky," Jay argued. "That's the first place they'd look for us."

"Well, where else can we go? Fairy's Hill?" Ben asked.

"Too exposed," Mal decided. "We need somewhere...hidden...where Morgana would never think to look for us. But not a flashy castle. That's the first place Queenie would check. Can anyone think of anywhere like that?" She glanced around the circle. They all stood there, sheepishly quiet.

"We...could...go to my family's cottage."

Doug gasped, shocked at the words exploding from his mouth. He immediately wanted to take it back, but it was too late. And he knew it was the best option. Ben's castle...obviously out of the question. They weren't safe here. None of the remaining VKs owned any property. And the kingdoms were not protected. Morgana would destroy patrols easier than splitting jello. They needed somewhere secluded. Somewhere off of the map.

Somewhere like the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs.

"Doug," Ben interrupted. "Are you sure? What about your family--"

"Visiting Derek in Sherwood Forest," the dwarf cut him off. "We'd be safe there. For a couple of days anyway. That should be enough time to plan our next move--" He stopped with a gasp as a pain shot through his body and his hands immediately flew to his chest as he staggered.

"Doug?" Jay flashed him a concerned look.

"Dude, what's happening?" Carlos added, frowning.

Doug didn't answer as he reached out and caught hold of a post, balancing himself, feeling the pain increase and his breaths become more constricted. The stone shimmered in his pocket. A gasp from Mal caused him to turn with a pained gasp. What he saw nearly made him faint in relief.



Evie was alive.

Mal was already at her side, whispering softly to her. The boys quickly gathered around as well, Doug especially. Evie's chocolate brown gaze settled on him as he knelt down beside her. "You did it," she said in a hoarse croak. "You are him, after all."

"Evie," he squeaked. " were dead!"

"You," she answered, laying her head back against the hard floor and staring at the ceiling.

"Me? But...but...Evie! I tried! I couldn't do anything!"

"The NeoMerlin has the ability to take life...or give it," Ben explained, coming closer to kneel beside Mal. "Everyone has life. You shared yours. Unconsciously, of course, but it worked. Evie's alive, because of you. And that's the power of a sorcerer."

"Wow," Doug stared at his hands in wonder. "That's...incredible!"

"See?" Evie chuckled. "Told you so."

"Evie..." The tears came back. But this time they were of pure joy. "I'm so sorry! I love you! I love you so much! I'msorryInevertoldyoubeforeand--"

"Doug, stop. I can't understand anything you're saying. And besides, I know."

" do?"

She nodded. "I've always known. Love at first 'Heigh-Ho', right?"

Doug smiled, remembering the first time he'd laid eyes on her, and he hugged her tightly. Evie winced slightly at the squeeze but hugged him back almost as firmly.

"Okay, wow, I'm glad Evie's all right," Jay interrupted. "But we still have to stop Morgana before she takes over Auradon. Yeah? Doug," he adjusted his gaze on the dwarf to stood up, and, with a bit of help from Mal, brought Evie to a weak standing position. "How far to your cottage?"

"About two hours by the crow flies," he answered.

"But...we aren't crows," Carlos pointed out.

"No, but we can still fly. Doug, stone?" Mal held out her hand and he handed the Dragonstone to her, knowing full well what was to follow. "Ben, you have horses in the palace stable don't you?" she went on.

"Of course," Ben nodded.

"All right. So, here's what we're going to do. Doug, go get a mount, then meet us on the front lawn. We can make it in no time if we fly...or...ride."

Doug nodded and took off out the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the purple flash he'd grown so accustomed to, and knew the others had transformed. He ran all the way to the stables (not an easy feat for him), picked out a mount, and quickly tacked it up. Then, he hurried to join the others.

He found them waiting right where they said they'd be. All gathered in a circle. They waited as he rode up to them and seemed to wait for him to take the lead. He noticed a small smile from the blue water dragon he knew was Evie and an exasperated look from Mal. Ben stood between them and nodded to Doug, telling him to start. Doug wheeled his steed around and started for the trees. With that, the others sprang into the air behind him, choosing to glide over the trees rather than maneuver through the forest.

It was fully dark as he rode through the trees. The moon's feeble glow gave little assistance to the group as they passed outside the city's limits and flew (or rode) further and further into the dense shrubbery. They took frequent breaks, for Evie's sake (though she protested repeatedly that she was just fine).

Then, about two-and-a-half hours later, Doug finally rode into a large clearing and slowed his horse to a stop, signaling the others to come down. He stared at his home as his friends transformed back and came to join him.

"Wait...hold on. That's your cottage?" Carlos gasped. "It''s enormous! You could fit three of Ben's castles in there easily!"

Doug chuckled as he stared up at the "cottage". "While it might have once held my father and uncles, we had to expand it a bit to accommodate the entire family. As you might imagine, there are a lot of us." He dismounted and took his horse's reigns.

"And you're sure Morgana doesn't know about this place? " Jay asked.

Doug looked at him. "How could she? Now," he went on. "Let me go tether this guy up and then I'll show you all around."

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