Please go out with me!

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A/N: you're in the POV of Akutagawa enjoy!


Alright! Mori said that if I need something, I have to use everything and everyone to achieve my goal. My goal.....

Is to have Dazai-san finally acknowledge me!

So in order to achieve my goal, I must date the Jinko! As horrid as it may be... but he's made it clear he has feelings for me, so if I date him, maybe Dazai will acknowledge me for Jinko's sake! Then he'll finally look in my direction! I awkwardly jumped from building to building towards the Armed Detective Agency, stopping at its front doors. I'm so nervous for no reason, probably I'm going to ask something very terrible... But Dazai-san will finally acknowledge me! Its for him!

I open the door, having one hand in my pocket, trying to keep my cool. I walk past a few terrified employs, the ADA apparently has a whole floor that is a cafe...

I walk up the stairs to their main office, before I even opened the door I heard a childish voice yell out

"Oiiii! The Port Mafia is here!"

I paused, how did they even know I was here?? The door swung up to see a blonde man pointing a gun at me. "what do you want?" He sneered at me, isn't this the man I fought before? I barely remember.


I said, he glared at me then asking "You no longer have anything to do with Atsushi, your little pay day is over, remember?" I nod, replying "I have something to ask him." I tried to stay cool, even though, I was dying on the inside, I felt myself mentally cry at how I pictured it, but at the very least, I will get Dazai-san's acknowledgment... "what is it then? I'll message it to Atsushi." A greynette peeked over the blonde man's shoulder asking "I heard- AHHODJSKFDMNKJSNVKJ!" He panicked falling onto the floor, his face was hinted with red.

"he just has a question Atsushi, don't bothe-"

"Please go out with me!"

The attention from the entire office was centered to me holding Atsushi's arm. Silence was all that I could hear.

Well damn did I really just embarrass myself?

"u-uhm-" Atsushi muttered blushing even darker, "yes or no?" I asked getting impatient with the silence. "y-yes?" He stuttered, embarrassed at me unconsciously leaning over to him, when I realized I apologized coughing a bit.

"I-It's okay..." he muttered flustered.

"WOWW CONGRATS ON HAVING SOMEONE ASK YOU OUT ATSUSHI!!" Naomi ran over to Atsushi on the floor. I coughed, I noticed Kyouka having a dark glare towards me, her footsteps grew heavier as she walked towards me and Atsushi, I coughed worriedly. I could feel her red glare as she stood above me, however, she looked at how happy Atsushi was, and sighed. She bent over to my level giving me a set of rules. "You better make sure he's happy! And he better not cry because of the stupid things you do! And if you ever cheat on him.." The room got darker, and everyone else's sweat dropped intensely.

"I'll hunt you myself."

I nodded.

"c'mon Kyouka..! Don't threaten him!" Atsushi lectured the 14 year old, she pouted still giving me glares. The rest of the Agency, didn't honestly care. I sighed, thank the heavens I didn't have to deal with the embarrassment...

Dazai ran up to Atsushi hugging him childishly, "LOOKS LIKE MY SUBORDINATES ARE TOGETHER NOWW!" He reached out to me for me to join the hug, or so I thought.

I hastily joined when he pulled away and made me and Atsushi hug, I tried to not pull away so fast, since I am pretending to date Atsushi for Dazai to notice me. Surprisingly, he was first to pull away throwing a little fit for forcing us into a hug, I coughed as he blushed. While Kyouka was yelling at me, one of their detectives had already informed their little president.

He took Atsushi to another room to speak. I awkwardly sat beside Dazai-san, "say, Akutagawa.." My old superior asked me, I nod showing I know he's speaking to me. "why do you like Atsushi-kun? I thought you wanted to kill him, you even gave him 6 months till death." I felt my sweat drop, I couldn't tell him the real reason why.... so I made a quick excuse. "I've been thinking about him a lot... my little sister kept teasing me about it, and then.... I kind of started to like him.." I lied, of course.

He looked at me giving a "look". After a moment of silence he laughed and wrapped his arm around me back, "well, treat our Atsushi well!" I then noticed a man with a brown hat and cape walk into the room where Jinko and their president, he had a lolipop hanging from his mouth.

From faraway, I could feel Kyouka's angery gaze towards me. Well, I'll have to deal with her for a while..

The door opened with Jinko looking hopeless as always, when he saw me he smiled and sat beside me and Dazai-san. "how'd it go?" Dazai-san teased, "it went fine." Jinko replied looking towards the floor again. I looked at the floor with him, I was trying to pretend to care so I rested my hand on his shoulder, when he turned his head to me, I caressed his cheek, making him blush. "If you're going to make out do that somewhere else." I didn't realize my thumb holding his chin, I quickly retreated my hand looking at the speaker. It was the blonde man from before, he fixed his glasses glaring at me, soon I started coughing. Atsushi looked at the floor embarrassed. From the corner of my eye I saw Dazai smirking and laughing, I got a call from Chuuya, which interrupted my plan.

"Yo, Akutagawa, we caught someone stealing info from one of our offices, get over here stat, I would love to help, but I-" Dazai-san snatched my phone away speaking "cutely" "CHUUYAAA!! how're you 3'1?" He smirked holding the phone, "I'M 5'2 BASTARD!" My phone almost broke from the intense roaring from the other side. Dazai-san laughed as the other side growled. "Dazai-san, may I have my phone back?" I held my hand out signaling for him to return it. He gave me my phone back as I continued talking to Chuuya.

"ANYWAYS. As I was saying... I can't take care of the task, I have some files of members I need to investigate, I'm leaving it to you Akutagawa." And he hung up. I sighed, I finally got some time with Dazai and now I have to leave, well, I didn't need anything else.

As I was walking out the main office door, Atsushi gave me a piece of ripped paper, with a phone number. "Is that your phone number?" Atsushi nodded smiling. I reluctantly took the piece of ripped paper and shoved it into my pocket thanking him. I turned away going to the coordinates Chuuya sent me.

I jumped from building to building and finally arrived. There was a 6ft man trying to hide, I merely used my Rashomon to block off his exit. I then tied him up bringing him closer to the light, I then noticed it wasn't a man, it was a mere women. She had pure white hair, which was cut off in a pixie like haircut. Her eyes shined blood red in the moonlight, with clock hands as the dark circle in her eye. "what're you doing here?" I asked squeezing her to harm her, she laughed. I was kicked behind, my ability was taken! The woman fell on the floor, I saw a man with black hair stare back, "Sorry for taking this, but we need this for our mission for right now." He rested his hand on my head patting it. Walking away with explosives we owned.

"Wait!" I yelled, my ability was back! I used Rashomon to attack them but I heard a body fall and saw a young girl on the floor, without realizing it my body stopped moving and I ordered Rashomon to return. What is going on?? These must be from an ability user..!

The man picked up the young girl and carried her off in the distance, when they were out of sight I finally had control of my own body. Damn it!

I let them get away...!

Please don't leave (Shin Soukoku)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora