Chapter 14: First Quidditch Match

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Much to my dismay, my sleep was disturbed, and I had no choice but to get up, seeing as I couldn't sleep again. I was nervous, seeing as today was the day of my first ever Quidditch match. After getting dressed, I grabbed my Nimbus Two Thousand and One and I came down into the common room, only to find Harry by the fireplace.

"Hey Harry. How come you're up early?" I asked as I sat on the armchair.

"Peeves woke me up by blowing into my ear, then I couldn't sleep again. You?"

"Same, couldn't sleep again since I'm nervous as this is my first match." I said as I gazed into the fire crackling in the fireplace.

"Don't worry, you'll do great. You're excellent, considering the fact that you've only had a few days of practice." complimented Harry.

"Thanks Harry." I said with gratitude.

"Hey, so I've seen your hair is a different color at times. Do you dye it or something?"

"No. I'm born as a Metamorphmagus, so I can change my appearance. My hair can change according to my will, or my emotions. Each hair color represents a different emotion. My original hair is black with waves." I explained. Harry's mouth was slightly open, his eyes widened.

"That's such a cool ability to have. Can you change yourself to look like someone else?" he asked with excitement in his eyes.

"I'm not sure. I've never tried it and never heard of it, but there's a possibility." I said mostly to myself.

"Anyways, reckon we should head down?"

"Hmm..." I glanced at my pocket watch. "Still a bit early, let's wait for another fifteen minutes."

Afterwards, we discussed the topic of the upcoming match and how the Slytherins are doing their utmost to have Gryffindor lose. Soon time came, and we went into the Great Hall.

We both were, fiddling around with our food, only having consumed a little. We'd grabbed some toast, when the rest of the team poured in.

"Good morning love. You're up early? Nervous?"

"Morning Freddie. I woke up and couldn't sleep because I was nervous."

"You'll be fine Rubina. Don't stress." Before I could respond, Wood began his rant.

"It's going to be a tough one. What if we lose? We don't really know what Hufflepuff has in store for us!" said Wood, who wasn't eating himself, but insisted the others have food.

"Stop worrying Oliver," said Alicia soothingly. "We don't mind a bit of rain."

It was considerably more than a bit of rain. Such was the popularity of Quidditch, that even the poor weather didn't stop the entire school from coming to spectate, but they ran down the lawns towards the pitch.

The team changed into their scarlet robes. I admired mine, which had a large number four, with "Black" written on the top, making me feel proud.

Wood didn't give his pre-match pep talk, because he simply couldn't get the words out, as he opened his mouth to speak only to make an odd gulping noise instead. He shook his head hopelessly and beckoned us to follow him. The winds were so strong, that we staggered sideways as we entered the pitch.

Oh dear, this already seems like a bad start.

I could slightly make out Lee's commentary, but the wind roared drowning out his voice completely.

Captains Wood and Diggory shook hands. I saw Madam Hooch mouth the words, "Mount your words." I swung my right leg over my Nimbus Two Thousand and One, ready for take off. Madam Hooch blew her whistle, which sounded shrill and distant, and we took off.

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