The last fight

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I woke up early and wiped my sleepy eyes. I looked over my shoulder at the sleeping man behind me, he was so cute when he was asleep, just, so peaceful.
I gently lifted his arm from my waist and got out the bed. But before I left the room I fixed the blankets to keep him warm, it was a slightly chilly day, I pressed my lips to his hot forehead and left the room

I closed the door quietly behind me and made my way to our kitchen, my hot feet padding along the cold wood floor.
I decided to make some pancakes seeing as Stiles had been rambling on about the pancake shop we had passed when we went food shopping yesterday. So i whisked up the mix, and began to flip the breakfast treat. I yawned sleepily but put the food on two plates and put Nutella on both of them and strawberries on mine
"Morning" a sleepy Stiles walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug, smiling I hooked my arms under his hugging him back
"Morning handsome" I kissed the side of his neck and let go
"You made pancakes" he yawned and sat down
I just nodded and pushed a cup of coffee towards his

We ate happily watching the news on the TV, apparently there was supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight. I wasn't surprised considering the drop in temperature from yesterday

While Stiles was putting on his suit, I filled his flask with new water, and grabbed the lunch he'd made last night for the fridge and put it in his bag as well as adding two pens to the front pocket in case he'd need extras
"Okay, you got everything?" I asked when he came back in
"Yeah" he nodded
"You sure?" I asked with a smirk
"Yes, why? Don't I look okay?" He asked worried spinning around
"You look great Sti, but.... You're missing something" I chuckled as I put his tie around his neck
"Oh" he smiled realising
"I'd be lost without you baby girl" he whispered softly in my ear as he hugged me again
"I know" I chuckled and pushed him back

I wiped the imaginary dust off his shoulders and front.
"You look great in a suit. Whyd you never wear one before, cause to be honest, I think I find you....more attractive now" I inspected my hot boyfriend
"Could've told me that ages ago" he chuckled and picked up his bag
"Right, good luck" I pecked his lips and let him step out into the hall
"Thanks, you enjoy your course too. You're so lucky you can walk to your school, I need to get the stupid bus" he groaned in fake annoyance
"You can take my car Stiles, I'm not using it today" I gave him my keys
"Ohhh, yes. Okay, I love you. Bye" he ran down the hall
I laughed watching him leave and shook my head

I grabbed my own bag and left the apartment to make my ten minute treck to my own school.

"Sky you won't believe what happened at work today" stiles came in and put his bag down
"Oh?" I asked interested
"Okay, so the teacher, instructor guy, he was giving a talk and stuff, and he showed a video. Guess who it was?" He said
"Santa?" I guessed sarcastically making him smile and shake his head
"No, Derek" he replied
"What?" I asked dropping my book
"Yeah. The entire FBI and CIA is after him for mass murder" he whispered as if someone would hear
"Wha- why. What?" I couldn't even think
"That's nearly the same reaction I had. I spat my water everywhere an-" he said but I stopped him
"Ewww Stiles. Uck, continue" I waved a hand about
"Well yeah, he's wanted for murder. I think you should give him a call" he told me
"Yeah, okay, we'll I'll do that if you go get changed. Also, my day was incredible. My professor, I caught her scent she's a literal werwolf. Chances of that?" I chuckled
"Your professor. Who's teaching zoology and parapsychology, is a werewolf?" He asked
I just nodded
"Only us" he laughed as he walked into the bedroom

"You call Scotty?" I asked my boy as he walked out of the bedroom in sweats 
"No I'm gonna do it now" he smiled at me
"Okay well I'm making pasta for dinner" I pecked his cheek as I passed him while he sat at the kitchen table

The McCall Wolf Twins || Book 3  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt