Mexico resuces

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Your POV
"Hey, sorry I'm back so late. I was closing up the Animal Clinic. I got more hours to earn a little extra money" Scott apologized walking in
He saw me sitting at the table, looking at my hands, a guilty look on my face
Mum turned away from the window and looked at him
"How much more did you need?" She asked revealing the bag of cash
"This is payment from the dead pool. I found it in Garrett's locker." Scott tried to explain
"This belongs to Derek?" Mum asked him she sighed
"So you're just, Uh, keeping it safe for him in a gym bag underneath your bed?" she asked
Scott didnt say anything
"How long have you had it?" Mum asked
"Too long" Scott replied
"You know you have to give it back?" She said
"We were going to" I said
"Do I want to know why you haven't?" She asked
"Because of you" Scott said
"Me?" She asked. She sighed and nodded in realization

"You mean because we've been struggling a little?" She asked smiling
"Mum, we're struggling a lot" Scott said
"Oh.....Scott.... You can save people's lives, but you cannot save them from life. Life is full of struggles." she said
"But it doesn't have to be" he said
"Honey...." She went
"Do you know what just one of these can do? Uh...." Scott grabbed money
"This gets us a new roof" he showed it
"And this pays for Stiles' MRI" I said
"This pays for Eichen House" I said lifting another
"And this one means you don't have to work the double shift at the hospital and come home totally exhausted" he lifted another
Mum smiled
"What about this one?" she showed one covered in dried blood


"Stiles. Stiles!" I shook the boys hand trying to wake him up
"Hmm?" He hummed asleep
"We've got an early morning practice for the big game tomorrow, remember?" I asked him
"All right" he sleepily answered
"If we're playing the entire lacrosse game, you better not suck" I sighed
"Not gonna suck" he mumbled
"Remember you were supposed to drive me to school early so I can get more studying in for my geography test? The one that determines whether or not I fail the class" I tried again
But he just rolled over, so I leaned forward following
"Stiles!" I said nearer his ear but he only groaned

I sat back grunting. Looking at the crime board. And I got an idea.

I grabbed the sleeping boys shoulders, and turned him to me. He jolted awake, confused. But I just slammed my lips down on his, and playfully pulled back biting his lip
He sighed happily a hand on the back of my head
"What are you doing? I haven't even brushed my teeth yet" he asked cutely
I just smiled at him, this boy was so adorable
"I don't care" I smiled
He breathed out this nose happily and kissed me again.
We rolled to the side, still kissing, his arms around my back and on my thigh

I was with Scott at Dereks, Remus was here too. School had finished an hour ago. And we'd just explained to the two how we hid the money from Remus and why we had it

"Okay" Derek said pushing the bag towards us
"Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it?" Scott asked shyly
"How much do you make at the Animal Clinic?" Derek asked
"Minimum wage" Scott answered confused
"Thats why. Eve tone can be tempted, Scott. Even a true Alpha." Derek smiled
"You're not angry?" I asked
"It's not even mine. It belongs to Peter" Derek said
"Where's your money?" Scott asked
"You're both standing on it" Remus chuckled
"There's another vault?" Scott asked innocently
The two Hales chuckled as well

"No. I own the building. I bought it from Rem" Derek clapped a hand over Remus
"And we have our own bank accounts" Derek said
"All the money from the vault was Peters" Remus shrugged
"I think we'd actually be better off it the rest never came back" Derek said closing the bag of money

"I know Lydia was here last night" Scott said
"Deaton s still working on figuring out what Kate did to you. If anyone can find an answer, it's him" Scott said

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