Chapter 14: Plans & Life-Changing Consequences

Start from the beginning

“For interrupting,” she said, “You almost kissed! That’s huge.”

“Chloe, it was nothing,” he insisted, “In fact, I’m glad you called. You stopped me from making a big mistake.”

“If kissing Oliver Queen counts as a mistake, I wouldn’t mind making more of those type of mistakes.” Chloe said with a smile.

“He’s dating Lois,” Clark said, “And why do I feel as if we’ve had this conversation several times?”

“Because we have,” Chloe replied promptly. “But that doesn’t discount the fact he has feelings for you.” Before Clark could protest she shook her head. “From what I could tell, you two were doing some major flirting and if I hadn’t called, he would’ve kissed you. Clark, I can understand that you’re trying to spare Lois but with your plan, more people are going to get hurt. You need to be upfront with Oliver and the two of you need to figure out where you stand. That way, Lois can get out of the relationship before she invests too much into it.”

He knew she was right. “I guess. I got to go anyhow. Need to figure out this whole Lois-Oliver-Green Arrow deal.”

“Good luck.” She said.

“Thanks, I think I’ll need it.” He replied and took off. When he reached home, he called Oliver again and updated him on the situation.

“Those pictures exist.” He said.

“Great,” Oliver said, sounding tired, “I don’t know what to do now, Clark. Should I tell her?”

“You can’t just tell her,” Clark replied, “If you do, she’ll suspect something’s up and then it will lead right back to me. That would be good for neither one of us.”

“Then what do we do?” Oliver asked.

“We need a plan,” Clark said, “Lois wants to figure out a plan to expose you.”

“What if,” Oliver said slowly, “You pretend you’re helping her out but really, we come up with a plan to make sure she doesn’t find out?”

“Got any ideas?” Clark wasn’t too fond of all the deception that was taking place but he knew he had no choice.

“Just one,” Oliver responded, “And I’m going to need your help.”

Clark listened patiently as Oliver spilled the details of his plan. He had a few doubts but he agreed to go along with it.

His next step was to call Lois. She met him at the barn fairly quickly.

“Hey, I got your call. What's the 911?” She said.

“I've been thinking,” Clark said. “Maybe your Oliver theory isn't so far out there. And if he is the Green Arrow, you deserve to know the truth.”

“Really?” Lois said, doubt etching her features. “Because I've been doing some thinking of my own, and . . . maybe I don't want to know. I went through all the articles on Green Arrow's crimes, and what if we just got off on the wrong foot? I mean, the whole ‘rob from the rich to give to the poor’ thing . . . that wins him some points, right?”

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