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"Though it feels like we were built from the same dirt."



Philza sighed in what looked to be slight disappointment that he had to explain what the Dream Smp was to the child before him.

He didn't feel like it, he was tired and hungry. But, alas, it needs to be done. Most people who live on this earth know about The Greater Dream Smp, but not all.

That included you.

His obsidian-like wings fluttered softly behind him as he began explaining to {Y/n}, the raccoon hybrid listening to the elytran intently.

Unbeknownst to the two in the kitchen, Technoblade listened quietly from the next room over, taking in the info he heard from Phil since he hadn't been in public, besides the Villages, in a while.

Tommy and Wilbur, or anyone really, we're too busy with L'manburg and their things to visit Technoblade and Philza. Both of the adults in the house had been wondering, why hadn't they ever seen {Y/n} around the server? People need supplies to survive, they got those easily, but company is what kids usually need. Or just anyone.

Living alone for that many years does things to people, and not for the better. Especially to a child. Philza ran that thought through his head as he put back on the iconic green and white striped bucket hat he had left on the table.

"And that's the basics. Got that, kiddo?"

{Y/n} nodded, questions wanting to break free of the prison that was their mind. The prison was a good way to describe their mind or just themself in general.

It keeps things in that want to get out.

Or people. A person trapped in themselves.

Exactly like a prison. A single prisoner in their mind, forced into solitude for what could be years.

Ironic, isn't it? That mere description could be plastered onto someone more, maybe even literally, and it'd still make sense.

COMFORT - DSMP + CHILD ! READERWhere stories live. Discover now