Chapter 6

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-Arisa POV-

We started walking in the direction I found the girl.
But when we saw a tree fall we ran to it.
"Kohaku" I said when I saw her.

"Arisa" she said. "And you're the sorcerer gentleman who protected that woman. You're alive!"
"Stop talking" said Senku. "You can introduce yourself all you want later. Don't waste your energy"
We were looking for a way to get her from under the tree.

"Can you hold out until evening?" he asked. "If you're at your limit, I'll take a gamble and blow it up with the little gunpowder I have left. But if you can hold on, it'll take forever, but I'll save you, ten billion percent. You're the only one who can make the decision! Decide right now! Which is it?"

"Yeah, my organs and bones are all fine" said Kohaku. "I can hold on"
"Arisa! Can you cut part of that tree?" asked Senku.
"No problem" I said and took the axe.

After a while, we made a lifting mechanism.
"What's this?" asked Kohaku.
"This is science" said Senku. "It was invented by Old Man Archimedes a few hundred years BC. It converts the measly strength of a high school kid into Herculean might. It's called a pulley!"

He jumped down from the tree with the rope and the tree that was on Kohaku began to lift.
I took her under her armpits and got her from under the tree.
"Amazing" she said. "No, I'm not talking about that Archi-whoever's wisdom. I'm talking about your unwavering diligence in forcing yourself through every step until you solve a problem. My name is Kohaku. It seems I've taken quite a liking to you"

"I don't like what I just heard" said Senku. "We just met, and she's already in love? In this state of emergency?"
"I didn't say anything about that!" said Kohaku. "I'm saying I like you as a person, so I'll cooperate with you!"

"Oh, I appreciate that then" he said. "Nothing is as illogical or trouble-prone as relationships"
"Oh, how I will embarrass you the day you get a girlfriend" I sighed.


"What are you, a new species of hominid that sleeps with a sword?" asked Senku when he saw Kohaku sleep with her knives.
"It's because you started talking about relationships" said Kohaku. "I like the way you live, but I don't trust you yet. I take care of myself, and this habit is a result of that. Don't take it personally"

"I'm not enough of a hero to assault a lioness willy-nilly" said Senku. "Hurry up and get some sleep"
"Lioness?!" shouted Kohaku. "I have feelings too, you know! You live like a gentleman, but your foul mouth is of another dimension"

"Oh, you haven't heard his foul mouth" I said.
"I think I might accidentally kill him someday" she said.
"Then go to sleep before you cause any accidents" said Senku. "I don't want to get killed twice in the same day"

"You're fighting against that long-haired man, aren't you?" asked Kohaku. "I saw Arisa fire her arrows at him. I'll help you. I can't just back down either"
"Yeah" said Senku. "That's why I'm making a nation of science. First of all, I need manpower"
"So you want allies" said Kohaku. "Then why don't you come with me?"

"You have more of your lion buddies, huh?" said Senku.
"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be dependable allies" she said. "I know one man who'd be perfect. Allow me to guide you, Senku, Arisa. Come with me"


"Hot water?" asked Senku when we went to the hot springs.
"Yeah. I take it home to make a hot spring bath" said Kohaku. "For healing purposes"
"You look like a ten billion percent healthy kid to me" said Senku. "What use does a lively lioness like you have with any more healing?"

"I'm not a lioness!" shouted Kohaku.
"Don't piss off our guide, Senku" I said.
"It's not for me, it's for my sister" said Kohaku. "Honestly, she's such a troublesome nuisance of an older sister. She's been especially sick lately. If only I could swap her body with my exceedingly healthy one..."

"That jar looks like a little less than fifty litres" said Senku. "It's not quite enough for a bath"
"How many trips do you make with that heavy-ass jar?" I asked.
"It's just a part of my daily training" said Kohaku. "I'm a lot stronger thanks to it too. I should be grateful to my nuisance sister..."

She fell and I caught the jar just in time.
"You haven't fully recovered yet, have you?" said Senku. "We can't have you overexerting yourself and dying on us. Hand it over"
"Senku, I think..." I said when I saw him carry the jar.

But a few meters further, he fell...
"You're the one overexerting yourself" I sighed.
"Is everyone other than me in this stone world a gorilla?" said Senku. "Kohaku, Tsukasa, Taiju, probably even Arisa"

"Gorilla?!" shouted both Kohaku and I.
"At least call me a lioness! That was better!" said Kohaku.
"That's not the point here" said Senku.

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