Chapter 3

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-Arisa POV-

"The three of you built this?" asked Tsukasa when we arrived at the treehouse.
"Yeah" said Senku.
"Hang on for a little longer, Yuzuriha" said Taijo to the statue. "We'll save you as soon as we have enough of that miracle water... the something-or-other acid"

"Laboratory?" asked Tsukasa. "I'm Tsukasa Shishio. You can call me Tsukasa"
"Last names don't really mean much in this world, do they?" said Senku. "I'm Senku, the sane one who's in charge of science. That's Arisa, she's the smart huntress, in charge of hunting. And that's Taiju, the simple one who's in charge of heavy lifting"

"I'm Taiju, the simple one" said Taiju.
"Arisa, the smarter one" I said.
"If you need any thinking done, ask Senku" said Taiju.

"What do you usually have to eat?" asked Tsukasa.
"Birds, bunnies, boars, wild green and mushrooms. Sometimes a deer if there's one around for me to hunt" I said. "Any creature I can capture using traps or shoot with my bow and arrow"

"A girl shouldn't be putting herself in danger like that" said Tsukasa and I got annoyed.
"Excuse me?" I said. "Just because I don't have balls hanging between my legs, doesn't mean I should be treated any differently"
"I meant no offence" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Arisa isn't a frail girl" said Senku.
"Are you two..." began Tsukasa, Senku and I looked at each other and we were about to vomit.
"Those two are kind of like siblings" said Taiju.

"Yeah, maybe not officially or by blood, but his father basically raised me" I said. "Senku's my brother, the thought of anything else really is disgusting"
"I meant no disrespect" said Tsukasa. "But, if you don't mind, leave the hunting to me?"
"Heh?" I said. "Sure, why not"

Tsukasa was actually a good hunter.
I still shot birds down to eat, he took care of the bigger animals and fishing.
"I'll be in charge of fighting and hunting, with a little help of Arisa" said Tsukasa. "Now that I'm on your side, you'll never have any shortage of prey again"


"I see" said Taiju when Senku was smoking the fish. "So if you cook it immediately, you don't need a fridge to keep it from going bad"
"I'm not cooking it" said Senku. "I'm using the aldehydes in the smoke to kill the microbes. To put it simply enough for you to understand, I'm smoking it"

"If Senku, Arisa and I work together, we'll have plenty of preserved food" said Tsukasa.
Senku cracked his neck, something I noticed he'd been doing more often recently.
"Now we can finally take the first step toward civilization" said Senku.

"We were still at step zero?!" shouted Taiju.
Suddenly Tsukasa stopped at a rock and stared at it.
"Hey, Tsukasa, what's wrong?" asked Taiju.

Tsukasa made a fist of his hand and broke the rock with one swing...
There was a statue underneath it...
"Sorry for startling you" said Tsukasa. "This person was buried under the rock"

"He really is a good guy!" said Taiju.
"He's a superhero at this point, huh?" said Senku.
'Not buying or feeling it for one second'

"Man, I'm full" said Taiju after eating a lot of fish...
"Time for a fun quiz" said Senku.
"Oh no" I complained.

"Don't start complaining yet, Ari" said Senku. "What's the most important thing we need for a technological civilization? Ten billion points for the correct answer"
"Technological civilization?" Taiju was thinking hard... "The most important thing we need? Smartphones!"

"Sure, smartphones!" said Senku with sarcasm. "Smartphones would be nice to have huh? How many tens of billions of years ahead are you?!"
"Steel?" asked Tsukasa.
"Steel too, but that's later. There's something more useful" said Senku. "Arisa?"

"Something for hygiene, like soap for example?" I asked.
"Ten billion points to Arisa" said Senku proudly. "It's calcium carbonate"
"Of course! As always, I'm totally clueless!" said Taiju.

"Ah, you mean lime" said Tsukasa.
"Yeah" said Senku. "That's putting it in terms that a simple mind can understand. The stuff they use to chalk athletic fields"
"So we're going to be looking for a gym storage room to get something-or-other carbonate?!" shouted Taiju.

"Yeah, that's it. A gym storage room" said Senku, again with sarcasm. "If only there were any still around 3700 years later!"
"Take a deep breath, Senku" I sighed.

"You know the shells that have been so useful for trimming your beard, big oaf?" asked Senku. "Pulverize them into powder, and you have that something-or-other carbonate stuff"
"All right!" shouted Taiju and put a basket on his back. "Brawn duty, here I come!"
He began to collect shelves like a crazy person...

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