polaroids of our youth

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polaroids of our youth

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polaroids of our youth

i have wandered inside a wooden cabin with polaroid cameras and hanging sheets of sepia-filtered films that signified our youth of recklessness and sheer ignorance, where i seemed to be enraptured by your cheeky smiles and resonating laughs. we were a little rebellious and carefree, unafraid of the world of adolescence waiting ahead.

we were vagabonds, capturing every single moment of our escapade with you as the muse and i, the photographer. you were inside every film of my polaroid willfully wasted until itʼs left with naught but our everlasting memories.

you once uttered an oath by the lakes of fireflies and water lilies—an oath to remain a lost soul until we find home in the midst of being lost. it was quite a paradox, and yet i only smiled at you, taking another flash of photograph as you danced around with the fireflies that never burn. i caught myself bewitched in your clumsy movements and as if time stopped, my eyes only witnessing your raven hair and dress sway in sheer blithe as your entity was being showered by the scintillating beams of both the moonlight and the glowing insects which seemed to emerge an affinity towards your translucent soul.

ah, the good old days.

we have taken the road less traveled and trespassed the forestlands of the unknown where we discovered this old, forsaken cabin in which i am standing upon. this was our final destination before we went our separate ways. we have spent our last night eating sʼmores by the bonfire and hanging all of the photos whilst laughing and reminiscing each and every moment.

howbeit, ephemeral happenstances were still ephemeral happenstances; it has its end, and we were unfortunate yet fortunate to have found our home.

the laughs echoed in the silence of the night until it was unheard of, and i stared at you, having the same tearful eyes as mine, as you whispered your apologies while cupping my face. you leaned closer, looking straight into my orbs where you probably saw a myriad of unspoken thoughts, and left a bittersweet kiss of parting and adoration.

in the midst of us being lost, i found my home in you, and you found your home in... you. you have become evanescent as the dawn came through because you were no longer lost.

you have found yourself.

and it may take a lonely ride home, but i will undertake the same pathway in hopes of finding myself amidst of it all, just like how you did. and now, a distant memory is what you are—the embodiment of an evoked nostalgia i will always yearn and reminisce. and mayhap someday, somewhere, somehow, weʼll have our serendipitous encounter once again.

nevertheless, i will find you after finding the home in me.


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