Thirty One | Buildings, Docks, and Goblin Men

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"How did they know where to go?" Peter wondered as we stepped into one of the elevators.

"Your guess is as good as mine - top floor." Aura said, leaning over to push the button.

The elevator stopped a little below two floors down at Aura's behest, and we climbed out the top to stand next to the cable. Peter and Aura scaled the walls on either side, leaving me to climb the cables to catch up.

"Peter, Gwen, can you pry open the doors so I can get through? I can press the elevator button and try to stall while you get there." Aura proposed, and though Peter and I both felt sceptical of her plan, we agreed.

Prying open the doors took a lot of arm strength, and left my arms burning, even more so after the climb.

Making the second perilous leap back to the cables - the first had resulted in a bruise-to-be on my upper arm and a near fall - I adjusted my grip on the cable and slid back down to the top of the elevator.

For a moment after my feet touched the top of the elevator, I continued to stare solemnly up at the doors leading to Harry's apartment.

Keep it calm; you need to be in a clear state of mind.

Peter landed lightly next to me, placing a momentarily comforting hand on my shoulder, "We need to get back in the elevator." he said, and I nodded. Taking a few steps forward and dropping easily into the elevator, I stood lithely and gracefully, as my clone reflected in the metal wall copied everything I didq.

Peter dropped in with the same amount of grace, though his landing was more practised than mine.

I was always surprised by how gracefulI could be, and today didn't change that. I stared for just a moment, and then kicked my leg up onto the rail to do some stretches. Peter did the same, not the same stretch, but he clearly had the same idea as I did, twisting back and forth at the waist, arms held away from his torso.

With one heel still up on the handrail I leaned back as far as I could so I was balanced at a 180° angle, fingers brushing the emergency stop button. Stretching out I could just barely push the button to turn off the emergency stop.

Standing up, I took my leg down from the handrail and rolled my shoulders.

"Show off," Peter laughed, and I gave him a large fake smile - backed by real mirth of course - and struck a pose.

That did well to lighten the mood, at least until the elevator started moving with a sudden lurch.

We sobered up instantly, laughter dying in our throats as we turned to stare at the soon to open doors. We arrived at Harry's flat with a melodic ding, and the doors slid open smoothly. Noise flooded into the eleavtor, of Aura yelling, Norman too, pumpkin bombs exploding, and the occasional shattering of an object; glass or other breakable substances.

Racing into the apartment Peter and I found Aura fighting in the mess that was the Osborn apartment. She was swinging from windowed wall to windowed wall, webbing pumpkin bombs and sending them back Norman's way.

"Norman, Harry's your son, don't do this to him!!"

"To him? I'm doing this-"

"For him? yeah right. Less talky talky more fighty fighty!" I interjected, drawing Norman's attention.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Black Cat, Spider Man." the Goblin mocked, and I grimaced.

"Peter, find Harry, Aura and I have this in the bag." I nodded, and Peter ran off. The Goblin growled, and threw a pumpkin bomb in Peter's direction. Lunging for it, I swatted it out of the way, and it blew up a nice looking sofa.

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