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??? Pov

My breath got quicker every second my hooves hit the ground. The sound of my gallops hitting the twigs underneath me along with the quickened paws of the others around me, were all too familiar.

My throat was hurt and dry from the heavy pants I managed out of my mouth. I knew the others were even worse though, seeing as I had longer legs that were built for running. Running. That's all we ever do. Hi, my name is Brock, I'm a deer...or used to be, and currently......me and my friends are running for our lives.

I look over to my right to see the large dog with the small squirrel hanging on for dear life on his green busted collar. That was David and joe. But we call them nogla and JoJo. They were both pretty bruised up with a couple cuts still leaking blood, but other than the' scared for life ' expressions on their faces, I'm sure they're all right for now.

I turn to my left to see the dog sized cat, a leimer swinging from low branches, and a  raccoon, not too far behind him. (A leimer is a type of monkey btw)These guys are jaren Scotty and Jonathan. But we call them Smiity, Froozer and Delirious.
I can see Delirious is falling behind a little, and quickly hoisted him up onto my back with my antlers. You see, the thing is, we're running from some scientists that experiment on animals for a living.

They capture wild and, tamed animals, and get them to trust them. Once they have the animals attached to them, that's when they get them ready for the pipes, the needles, the knives, the chemicals. Everything is solely based on mutating animals. I can't really get into it right now cause I'm running trying to keep my friends safe.

My family, safe.

We run and run until our paws hurt. Until our throuts hurt. Until our hearts are about to burst in our chests and we have no more energy to move our muscles. After we run from the scientists for a couple hours, we stop at an open pond. We stop and lay down next to the water, if not falling over and passing out.

We all breath out until we hear a loud thud. We all turn out heads to see nogla, with a sprained leg and maybe a few broken ribs. The thing is, before the ' vultchers ', as we like to call them showed up, we we're resting from our previous get aways. We've been free for two weeks, but every couple of days the vultchers somehow find a way to find us.

Wanna know what happened before the attack? Yeah I bet you do. Anyways, as we were resting when smii7y heard a noise and we all stood completely still. Then all of a sudden a dart came flying our way. We all backed up in shock and I stepped forward to examine the dart that hit the tree. It looked similar to a needle, or a ' shot', as the vultchers likes to call them, and that's when it hit us. The smell of rubbing alcohol and strong chemicals filled out noses, causing us to scrunch them up in disgust.

Suddenly a man came in view running through the trees with a few chained leashes in his hands. We all backed up cautiously. Nogla thinking there was only one man, growled deeply and charged at him, bitting into his leg hard. The man shouted in pain, and kicked nogla in the side, hard. He mad a thudding sound as his body hit a nearby tree in the same spot, causing him to whimper loudly.

"They're all here!" The man yelled back into the trees. He looked back at us and grinned devilishly. He immediately looked over to me as I started to move slowly towards my friends. He then threw a small ball towards me that hit my back. Once it made contact with my fur, it sprouted string things that turned into a net, that wrapped around my wings tight.

Yeah I never had those before going to the lab. One day I just passed out after one of the vultchers feed me, and the next thing I know I was waking up with a huge pain in my back. Then, one of my care takers came in and showed me a big wall thingy. I was able to see myself in it. But the moment I did, I saw big wings wrapped in some bandages that were bloodied near my back. They looked like the wings that I usually saw on those, what are they called? Uhhh, eagles?

Yeah eagles. Soon after, they made me do a thing were they would show me a picture of an eagle, and when I would think of it, I would transform into one, and go back to deer when I wanted. All I had to do was think about what I wanted to be, and I would turn into either one. Problem is, my wings would stay even when I transformed into a deer. Anyways, back to the story. I wasn't able to move my wings at all. Making it harder for us to escape. Usually, I would lift them all on my back and we would fly off far away. Now that we didn't have that, it was back to how we used to escape. And that's how we're in this mess now.

I rushed over to nogla, with the others not to far behind, but lagging a lot since their tiny legs couldn't move much. My face twisted in worry as I look over nogla's broken body. He was panting heavily, with his hind leg twitching in pain. He probably sprained it back when we were running, but didn't say anything because he couldn't stop with the vultchers not too far behind us. It was hard to see anything broken because all of his long dark black fur that covered his body. Yet, I could still tell from the way his dark eyes filled up with liquid and started to slowly close and lose consciousnesses, that he was in loads of pain.

We all crouch over him, looking at him in pain was too much to handle as it was, I couldn't even imagine how he feels. We then snapped our heads up as we hear twigs snapping and footsteps approaching. We knew how to bandage nogla's wounds, but it would take a while. We would have to gather long sticks straight enough to hold his leg in place and then find some vines to hold it together. Plus we needed other stuff from the forest that would also take some time to find.

But time wasn't on our side, seeing as the muffles voices got louder and clearer.

Third pov

Their hearts beat faster with each passing second. They all curled closer to the wounded dog lying on the floor, getting as close as possible to eachother. David was unconscious, and the others were in no shape to continue running. Brock still couldn't fly, so they were screwed. As the voices got closer, they could make out the dark shapes of the bodies coming closer.

They all couldn't see well, as their vision fogged up and got blurry from tears. Maybe this was the end. The end of their freedom. Brock thought as he closed his eyes and felt the warmth of his friends curl closer to him. Their time was out. There was no more running. They had to face it, that there was no freedom for them. There was no way of getting out of this.

Brock couldn't fly. They couldn't run. They all soon passed out from exhaustion as the figures from the forest stopped at the edge of the pond in front of them.

Then all they saw, was darkness.......

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