She was his guardian angel of sorts.

"Die...apparently." She deadpanned, causing a fit of laughter to break out amongst the group.


"Let me get this straight, you have the power of an immortal evil witch-psychic and drink blood like a vampire." Marcel said in disbelief. New things just kept on coming much to his shock.

And to think he'd seen anything.

"Yeah." Alaric answered him. "But don't let Silas hear you compare his once immortality to a vampire."

"Vampires are nothing but a disgusting perversion of me." Anastasia mocked her friend, beginning to wish he was still here. Sure, the guy was a dick, but he was one of her first best friends.

"But then again, you're not a normal vampire either?" Alaric asked Marcel.

"He's stronger than the Originals." Davina commented proudly of her adoptive-ish father.

"Really?" Alaric questioned.

"That's so cool." He and Anastasia then said in sync.

They then asked how it had happened, leading into the story of how Lucien, Tristan, and Aurora made their way to New Orleans to trap their sires, but Lucien had an ulterior motive. They then explained how he got a witch named Vincent Griffith to perform a spell here in Mystic Falls for an elixir that would make him able to take down the Originals.

But he made two doses.

Then he bit Finn, resulting in the second death of the oldest brother. They then told the group how he gave the elixir to Aurora, who he was desperately in love with. However, it was an unrequited love and Aurora didn't love Lucien back and was only using him.

Freya then killed Lucien, in the process killing Davina, and put Aurora under a sleeping spell to prevent her from attacking her family. Then the witch Vincent extracted the elixir from Aurora and gave it to Marcel so he could enact his revenge against the Mikaelsons after Elijah killed him.

"Wow..." The two best friends muttered.

"That's just wow..." Anastasia muttered again.

"And you both still hang around the family after they got you two killed?" Alaric questioned.

"Mhm." Davina hummed. "I'd rather not, but they threatened to dagger Kol if he left with me."

"Those controlling and vindictive bastards." The brunette angel mumbled. They were unbelievable.

"And Marcel?" Alaric then questioned.

"I love Rebekah. We're married. But she loves her brothers and won't leave them." Marcel answered.

"That's tough man."

"So does your vampire look any different than a normal one?" Alaric asked him, genuinely curious about it.

Marcel then flashed his red eyes as his fangs briefly bared as well.

"Marcy!!! We can match!!" Anastasia squealed, flashing her red eyes again, making the other four laugh. The brunette may have been a mother, but she acted like a child herself most of the time. It was cute in an endearing kind of way.


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