i. her

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The angel like figure was covered in blood. his light brown wavy hair resting on the god-like face now drenched in red. but the thing is, it's not just his own blood.

The last vision infront of his eyes before he blacked out was his lover, min yoona laying on his lap, until a sharp pain spread on the back of his head.

his body ached a lot, physically and mentally, for he saw his lover almost die right infront of his eyes. tears scrolled down his face in where he now lay, all cleaned up from the mess.

his vision adjusted to the lights after the last of his tears drained away and he realised he was at the hospital.

"ah jimin!! you're awake!!" a deep voice said bestie him. jimin's heart calmed down once he heard the familiar voice.

"t-taehyung..." jimin's voice hardly came out calling for his friend's name. he tried pushing his body upwards, but his friend immediately restrained him from doing so.

"no no, don't try to sit up." tae said, softly placing his hand over jimin's shoulder.

jimin's ribs and head hurt from what ever happened which he doesn't remember. he just knew he spat out lots of blood while getting kicked in the guts.
but from whom?

"Tae," jimin tried to speak.

taehyung's grip tightened a bit, reassuring jimin that he was there to listen, even though jimin shouldn't strain himself.

"she's de-ad. yoona-"

"no jimin. she's not dead. but..." taehyung's voice came out cold now, and jimin noticed tears forming in the latter's eyes.

"but what?" jimin asked, tensed.

"she's better than dead, but worse that alive. she's in coma."

Taehyung immediately wiped the tears in his eyes. he said,
"I'm sorry you had to witness all these."

jimin nodded softly. his head is hurting again.

shortly the nurse visited and said he can be discharged soon, but his body needs rest. another boy has also joined the duo, who's another friend of jimin's. his name was jungkook.

both jungkook and taehyung checked out from the hospital with jimin.

"you've been in the hospital for two days." jungkook said as he walked along with the other two, helping taehyung support jimin walking.

"is yoongi hyung alright?" jimin asked as they entered an elevator.

A silence followed.

"what?" jimin asked.

"he is kind of depressed. since Yoona is-"

The pain is coming back. The pain on the left side of his chest. The pain where his heart is situated.

even though they haven't been on great terms lately, jimin and yoona loved each other a lot. thinking about her makes him want to cry, but no tears were left in him.

he was actually having a surprise for her.

The trio had already reached the room where yoona laid on the bed with Yoongi sitting near her along with Hoseok and Jin, his friends.

jimin went to her and held her hands. he stood there for some moments looking at her calm face and then turned to yoongi.

yoongi had looked paler now, his long black hair making the contrast obvious. jimin felt like yoongi's eyes lost its life, for yoongi life was to live for his sister.

being the caring and sacrificing brother after their parents left the world at their childhood, yoongi was l also forced to grow up and find a living to sustain a good life for his little sister. he made sure no worries meet her.

now who should he live for?

he's totally an orphan now.
even doctors had lost hope about her recovery.

they said only a miracle can bring her back.

yoongi hugged jimin tightly and jimin flinched as his torso pained a lot. yoongi noticed and let him go.

the day drowned in sorrow and jimin felt it hard to get some sleep. he stayed with yoongi so that the older would not feel anymore lonely and it would also be better if jimin had someone with him at his unwell state.

jimin couldn't help but think about how yoona's angel face would light up with happiness whenever he appeared infront of her, the way she was his first ever friend in childhood and how he fell for her.

it was all but memories now.

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