"Just remember, we have cameras all over the estate. It wouldn't be hard to find someone using a fake identity." He winked, "Facial recognition is all the craze these days."

I held a hand to my hurt heart, "Are you insinuating I have given false information pertaining to my identity, sir? A sweet little thing like me?"

He shrugged, like a father listening to their child lie about doing chores, "You said it, miss. Not me."

Our game was cut short when the woman's voice cut back through the intercom, "Send her in."

Foxtrot was pleasantly surprised. He opened the gate and held a hand towards the door on a half bow that was meant to be taken as a joke, "Welcome to the Luxton estate. Please enjoy your visit."

"Thanks." I took slow steps past him and tipped an imaginary hat, "I intend to."

He chuckled at our banter then closed the gate behind me and returned to reading his newspaper.

I followed the lilac tree lined driveway, I didn't realize how long it actually was. It ended in a clean paved loop that delivered visitors to a flat and even cobblestone path leading to the front door. Having to divert only once to round a stone birdbath that had been aesthetically placed as a centerpiece for arriving guests, I took my time in reaching the front door. This was a very rare opportunity to bask in the expensive light reflecting off the Luxton house like a spotlight beam from God himself.

The rest of the street screamed luxury but the Luxton estate was royalty, beyond its neighboring wealth, although its ambiance of mystery had been lost once the moon forfeited custody. Inarguably, it was still pretty but it looked more artificial now, as if it had truly been plucked from the page on a magazine and dropped into reality. It did not look inhabited, just an artwork to be viewed but not touched.

The weight of the front door hurt my knuckles when I knocked and the sound was so small, surely no one had heard it. Then, beside the door, I noticed a small chain hanging from a bell with the words Please Ring chiseled into a metal plaque. So I pulled the chain and from within, a series of beautifully harmonizing bells played with all the power of the bells of Notre Dame.

Seconds later, the door opened to reveal an older man on the other side, wearing a black waist coat that was buttoned by crystal studs. Damn, even their servant's clothes were more expensive than mine. I now felt extremely underdressed.

"Good morning, miss." He stepped back and ushered me inside with an easy wave of his arm, "May I take your coat?"

Did he mean my jacket? Because all I am wearing underneath is a sports bra and if I already feel underdressed, standing in a castle half naked certainly would not make the situation better.

"Um ... I would rather you didn't." I said truthfully.

He waited, clearly my answer was unsatisfactory. Should I say something more or explain why I wanted to keep my jacket? Did he want proof?

"It is alright, Henry. I will welcome her."

The man and I both looked towards the voice.

Above us on a landing overlooking the foyer, some two stories high, stood the prince I was here to see. Bel tapped the railing eagerly then quickly skipped down a magnificent staircase to meet me. Today he was dressed in a pair of light grey slacks and a striped, comfortably cotton, button down shirt. His leather shoes had been replaced by neutral loafers and I was surprised to see a sharp pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

This must be his idea of casual.

"Very well, sir." The butler said on a bow. He shut the door behind us, bowed to me as well, then left in a hurry no doubt to complete other household tasks. I watched him disappear around a corner where other servants were bustling on tedious paths of their own.

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