731 46 14


WORD COUNT: 1,500+

The intruders' hands were tied behind their backs. There is a young woman who sighs out of annoyance seeing them not awake yet from one of the children's quirks. They were doing what they were trained to do to protect their home.

"Why aren't we killing them, yet even torturing them for invading our territory? Miss Glitch." An older man with tattoos all over his body and many burn scars on his face from his old days of being an assassin.

"Daichi. I made a promise a long time ago to their teacher. He wouldn't lose another student. I will admit it was the stupidest bold thing they could ever do. I am not usually here in the main base and taking care of business on the other bases." The [hair color]ed young lady pulls a chair to sit down knowing they are gonna be waking up soon enough.

"Was it that time? You decide to try to become a hero enrolling in that prestigious school. You were acting to be a normal teenager once in your life to blend in with the normal ones." Daichi recalls when you were 15 years old.

You left the mafia life having no other choice because there would have been lethal consequences. If you didn't leave, you may have lost your life. He was more of a father than your biological one. He was the one who helped you get a new identity using your mother's last name and getting in contact with your biological mother who left your father to find out how abusive and dangerous he was. She lost the custody battle against your biological father due to him having the money to bribe the judge.

You thought back to a couple of years ago, where it felt like a good dream to be too good to be real. You had a normal teenage social life where you have friends around your age instead of being way older than you and weren't afraid of you. Those connections that you made were genuine, not faked despite everyone thinking it was.

You were just a child who wanted to be accepted and cared about.

There was a knock to reveal the 8-year-old girl that snaps out of your daydream state before ordering her to come inside.

"You can go ahead, wake them up, dear." You smiled at the young child who returned it, before running off to touching their skin.

"Wake up." Her command was crystal clear, causing all four of them to stir awake.

You stand up and reach into your pocket, your knife flicking it up with a snap. The sound of the knife opening cutting through the tense air.

"You can go back to playing with the kids. This is gonna be a conversation for the adults." Daichi walks the young child out of the room. Daichi hands her over a piece of candy that is technically like treasure due to the state of the world.

The four started jumping up and down on their wooden chairs to break them. They have the right to be scared. They realized who was standing in front of them. You had killed their friend in cold blood all those years ago at the beginning of the apocalypse. You were approaching them with the calmest expression similar to their encounters with serial killers.

You walk around their chairs despite them moving around attempting to break free. You cut the restraints off of them swiftly. You didn't flinch when all of them turned around to try to land an attack on you.

You let your body become ghost-like letting their punches phase through you causing them to be surprised. You took your hands to make them solid again and grabbed the two colored-haired and the green-haired smash into each other heads harshly. You teleport out from the tight spot a few feet away from them.

Your body reverts to normal and takes a seat casually.

"Are we gonna throw punches at each other or we are going to talk about how stupid the four of you are for walking into mafia base? You only got lucky. I was even here because you would have met your end by my soldiers from the normal protocol when it comes to outsiders invading our base." You laid back on your chair and crossed your arms against your chest.

TAKE MY HAND (Zombie Apocalypse) [Bakugou Katsuki X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now