Order 66

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Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter. Remember that I love you all!


Wednesday May 12th - Third Person POV-

Kara sat in the front passenger seat of the SUV while Vicrul drove to the jet that was sitting on the newly finished runway. Troopers were already at the jet getting it ready for takeoff when Vicrul stopped fifty feet away from the airs stairs. With a silent smile to Kara he slipped out of the driver's seat and walked around the front of the vehicle.

Vicrul opened the passenger door and stepped in between the door and the seat that his wife sat on. "Are you ready, Little Deer?"

"I've never been to a tropical beach." Kara looked over Vicrul's shoulder at the new jet. She hadn't been on it yet but she could see how much bigger it was already from the outside. "How long is the trip?"

"It's six hours to Los Angeles where we will refuel and then it's a little over eight hours to Bora Bora." Vicrul reached forward and tucked Kara's wild and wavy hair behind her ear. "You'll be fine. Sarah said yesterday that you were fit to travel. You're almost twenty eight weeks so you have three months left to wait for them."

"I know. I'm just nervous. What if something happens?" Kara held her large pregnant belly with both hands as Vicrul leaned in and kissed her nose while rubbing his thumb along her left cheek. "I just have a bad feeling."

"Babe, Trudgen has spent the last three days with Sarah learning what to do with you in case of an emergency. You know he's already our field medic."

"Yeah that's bullet wounds and shit. Not birthing twin preemie babies." Kara frowned and held her belly tighter. "I don't want to go."

Vicrul sighed let go of Kara's face as he reached down and placed his hand over hers that was gripping her shirt over her belly. "Then you and I can stay here. But you'll be missing out on seeing the sea turtles. And it was supposed to be a surprise but Kuruk booked us all a day trip to swim with the black tipped reef sharks."

"Sharks?" Kara looked up with wide eyes as she pouted and glanced at the plane. "You know I love sharks. They're water puppies."

"I do know how much you love sharks. That's why I'm manipulating you with the shark swimming." Vicrul laughed and turned Kara so that her legs were hanging out of the vehicle. "Come on. Trudgen took all those classes with Sarah. If anything happens on the island they have great doctors and hospitals. Anything happens on a plane or an excursion then you have Trudgen to take care of you. You're in good hands, Little Deer."

"Okay. But I'm only coming because you bribed me with sharks." Kara smirked and slid out of her seat until her sneakers hit the pavement. "You better not be full of shit."

"I'm not." Vicrul laughed and turned to see Kuruk climbing the air stairs. "Kuruk!"

"What?" Kuruk turned on the stairs and looked over at his brother and his little sister. He could see the hesitation on Kara's face as she clung to Vicrul's arm and looked nervously at the jet. "What's the hold up?"

"She doesn't wanna go." Vicrul shouted. "I tried to bribe her with your shark trip but she doesn't believe me."

"Mother fucker, Vic!" Kuruk reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. "That was supposed to be a fucking surprise for her!"

"What do you want me to say?" Vicrul threw his hands in the air. "She was trying to back out. She's worried about the babies."

"Kara, you don't have to worry." Trudgen came up the side of the SUV with the last bags in his hands. "I spent days with Sarah learning what to do if they come. If we're in the air we'll land at the closest hospital and get you there as fast as possible. But nothing is going to happen. Sarah said your pregnancy is going smoothly with no complications. I got this. Don't you trust me to take care of you, Demon?"

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