Bury A Friend

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Sarah POV-

"Hey hun." I closed the door quietly behind me as I entered Kara's bedroom.

Of course her being her and having no shame she was face down butt naked on the bed with her ass sticking up slightly as her one knee was pulled up to her chest. She made no effort to move or change positions to hide her coochie that was practically on display. I smirked and focused on her face that was covered in tears as she shifted only her eyes to me.


"What are you doing?"

"Laying here with Mando Bear and Grogu Ren." She spoke flat as she pulled both toys to her chest.

"Are you going to get ready?" I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her discarded towel over her ass to cover her butt and her coochie.

"Vic said I didn't have to go." She spoke in a devastated tone and looked at me as more tears leaked out.

"Oh honey. If it's too hard I guess you don't have to. But let me ask you something?"


"How hard will this day be for Vic? What about Cardo? Kuruk has me and Trudgen has Jane. But who do the others have to lean on?"

"They can lean on each other." She sniffled and wiped her nose on her Mando Bear.

"Do you think that Cardo will sit there and hold Vic's hand while they all say goodbye to the man that they've all called a brother for a decade?"


"Exactly. Men are useless without us." I smiled and pushed her hair out of her face.

"You look like royalty." She gave me a tiny tiny smile and I smiled back.

"Thank you." I pulled on her bears and she tried to snatch them back but was too slow. "Now get up and get ready so you can be there for the three men that need you today because you know Kylo will be a useless mess as well. And I can't handle them on my own and you know Jane will have her hands full with her man."

I moved off of the bed and to Kara's closet. I knew what she was wearing, she had shown it to me a couple days ago. It was a dress that Ap'lek had actually bought her. He had seen it in a shop when he was buying a suit and just wanted her to have it. So he bought it and she wore it once to dinner with the Knights. I picked out her shoes that went with it and walked back to the bedroom.

Kara was still on the bed laying down when I got back. I dug through her drawers and pulled out panties and a bra and headed to the bed.

"Am I going to have to dress you like a child?"

"Yes." She pouted at me with a pushed out lip.

"Ugh. Fine." I rolled Kara to her back and slid her panties up her legs. When I sat her up and hooked her bra for her she was complete dead weight. "You're not making this easier, you know."

"I don't want to go. I can't say goodbye. It's too hard."

"I know hun. But you have to. You're a Knight. All the Knights have to be there. The guys all need you. Every single one of them needs you. Even Kuruk and Trudgen."

"They have you."

"Oh hell no. I am not becoming the mother hen to those five men. Six once Ushar wakes up. No fucking thank you. That's your job. You run this family, not me. I'm just the quiet one in the back."

"You suck." Kara slumped as I pushed her legs to the side of the bed.

I pulled the dress over her head and lifted her off the bed. Her baby bump that was thirteen weeks now was sticking out slightly. I rubbed my hand over it and felt a twinge of jealousy. I straightened her dress out and zipped up the back for her. The dress was black with red sleeves and red ruffles on the bottom. It wasn't exactly appropriate for a funeral but being that Ap'lek paid a few grand for it I doubted anyone would complain.

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