-Part 9-

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Kakashi POV

I looked up to see Naruto had shun shinned Sasuke and him here.. finally.

What I didn't understand was how Naruto knew how to shun shin.
Was it all the time he spent with the Anbu when he was younger?

I sighed and noticed Sasuke holding Naruto just like when I visited and watched as Sakura fumed and stomped up to them.

Naruto seemed different.
He clung to Sasuke and blushed whenever Sasuke did something which just made my emo genin smirk.

What happened yesterday? It was only 9:30 so I don't expect that they did anything today.. or maybe they did.

I narrowed my eyes and Naruto turned just enough for me to see bite marks.
Oh~ Sasuke marked him.

Ok I get it now.

Sasuke POV

When Naruto shun shinned us I was surprised and wanted to ask how but Haruno was already stomping up to us.

I slid my hand down Narutos waist and he blushed, making me smirk.

I guess he's still riled up from what I did to him before coming here.
Haruno began to scream at Naruto who was "to close for her liking".

I felt Naruto wrap his legs around me and hadn't even noticed he had gotten onto my back.

Shut up your being mean, Naruto grumbled and Sakura fumed. Plus he's mine, he said and I looked back to see his foxy smirk.
I shook my head and got him off of my back.

Naru pouted and I smirked.

He is not yours! Sasuke claimed me while you were in the hospital! Haruno screamed and Naruto looked up at me as if he was now wary.

I sighed and lifted his chin.
One thing I was waiting for was to kiss him properly... but my plans have changed.

I connected our lips and watched as Narutos eyes widened.
But that was short lived when they fluttered closed and he tugged at my hair.

Fuck I love him.

I pulled him closer by the waist and he got onto his tippy toes.
I separated after a moment and looked blankly at Haruno.

I'd never claim a bitch like you, I said flatly and Haruno seemed to have froze.

We watched as tears slowly slid down her chubby cheeks... after the hokages punishment for her hurting Naru, Mebuki had began to spoil Sakura with whatever she wanted and that led to her beginning to gain weight.
It was pathetic really.

Naruto didn't need to be smothered him every second to know someone liked him but Haruno needed attention and everything you could image for her to at least acknowledge you.

I looked down at Naruto since he hadn't let go of my neck and felt his lips back on mine.
I smirked.

He must've been wanting this....

But I wanted more than a kiss or make out session...
But Naruto was still to innocent to even know if I told him directly.

Kakashi cleared his throat and gave his closed eye smile.

Naruto we need to see what you can do after not training for so long. Sasuke... just train, Kakashi said and I nodded.

Naruto let go and began to follow Kakashi.
My eyes subconsciously trailed down his body and it was like he was unintentionally teasing me.

His hips swayed with his tail which made his ass bounce with every few steps.

I looked away already feeling an erection grow.

Fuck Naruto!... and his perfect body.. and his perfect pink lips.. and perfect personality.. and perfect soft ears and tail.. and perfect smile... and perfect mouth... and perfect laugh...

Fuck me!

It's okay baby Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ