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The next day in the afternoon.

Kobe was out and me and Derek was chilling and watching TV and the babies we're sleep like always.

"Vallyk can we try for a baby?" He asked and I looked at him confused "now?" I said and he nodded. We headed up stairs and strip down out clothes.

*RING* *RING* Derek phone went off and he picked it up. He put it on speaker and Kobe started talking.

D: what's up

K: I found this person I want to be with I love you and vallyk but I kinda wanna try to be in a relationship before doing a 3 way

D: that's fine Kobe if things don't go right you can come back here if you need safety or anything but I gotta go I love you bye

And with that they hung up the phone and we continue.



I was beating vallyk guts in and he was crying and moaning he gave some good head tho but his head game is as good as his ass I swear. I started to thrust into him fast ASF in a inhuman pace because my limit was coming and after 2 minutes I fill his ass up with my cum.

He moaned from my load filling him up and bring me down and we started kissing me. I looked at the work I did I made him cum 3 times and he was a cum mess and I looked the hickey's I put on him down to his abs.

"I love you Derek" he said still breathing heavily "I love you too" I said back and I got a towel and towel and wet it a lil cleaning us off. I changed the sheets once again and we fell asleep.


I been talking to Kobe for a while and we been off and on he's really cute but kinda toxic. We not as close but we'll flirt at some time but you know I don't know if he's right for me. I was in the car with kobe and we was just riding for a bit, and I drifted off.

I woke up and we was at a beach he was parking the car and noticed I was up. "Look who's up" he said smirking and I just blushed and he gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me even more red.

*After the beach date*

We was in the car and we started driving to Derek and vallyk house Kobe looked at me at the way the way he did which made us kiss at the beach.

*The moments at the beach*

We was sitting feet in the sand and I was laying on his chest and he didn't have a shirt on so it felt even better. Bc
He started to rub on my thigh and kissed my head.

"When your birthday" he asked "January 27' I said and he smiled at me. We looked at each other for a moment and I looked into his eyes as he did the same but I looked at his lips at times.

His eyes we're full with love lust everything good and we moved forward and forward until I felt his soft pink lips on mines. We kissed and our lips moved sync and I fell in love with this passion kiss.

We pulled away and I looked at him and to know that he was my first kiss made me happy. "Favorite sport? Where are you from?" I asked and he chuckled "I'm from New York and my favorite sport is basketball" he said and then he looked at the time.

"Let's get going" he said and I nodded.

(I don't know where Kobe from or favorite sport)


Lea and Kaden won't stop fighting and I'm sick of it. "STOP" I started to yell and they got scared and Derek ran upstairs. "Everything ok" he said and I just knocked, he looked at me and the tilt his head seeing the stress on my face.

"Go relax baby I'll take care of them you need a break take a nap or something" he said and I walked to the door and before I left we kissed and then he was taking care of the babies

The doorbell rang and I saw Derek at the stairs with Kaden standing on his side holding Derek hand and Lea in Derek arm. I smiled and silently laugh at how overprotective Derek is and I love it.

I opened it and I was surprised to see this person at my door...

Who ya think it is???


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