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A/N: Hey Guys!! Thankyou so much for clicking on my story and giving it a chance, i promise it's worth it, obviously i don't own anything of Outer Bank but i do own my character Lexie Styles and her background family/friends, some info about this story is that it follows the story line of OuterBanks, it is a slow burn of enemies to lovers , obviously it is about the one and only JJ Maybank. please if you any questions or possible ideas to include in the story please dm me! also leave comments telling me how your feeling with the whole thing, and well, thank you again and enjoy :) xoxo

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"one last squeeze!" Aunty Jo hugged the girl gripping onto as much of Lexie as possible. "okay okay! Aunty Jo it's okay, ill be back to visit as much as i can and i'll call you every day!" Lexie let go of her aunty for the last time. She waved to her best friend's as she left to walk onto the plane. She took her seat by the window, staring out as they took off, flying above the clouds. A new kind of loss filling her again.

Lexie loved her father. he was her light, her mum left when she was kid, though Lexie missed her she didn't really care. Her father raised her so well, he taught her from how to pee in the toilet to how to surf like a pro. She loved him with her whole heart. So she was shattered when they were told that he was in a accident. everything changed. From losing her father, moving from aunty and best friends and having to reopen people, she was terrified so to say. 

It was always Lexie and her father, they shared a beautiful 3 bedroom apartment in Sydney. when Lexie wasn't with them, she would be with her 3 best friends, She played in a band with them, singer and lead guitarist, Troy as the drummer, Chris as the bass and Charlotte as the pianist and back up singer, they were in separable, Lexie never had any other friends.

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Once Lexie landed she had to board a ferry to get to this island, she noticed the waves and how they collided together, Outer Banks was beautiful but she was uneasy in her cold seat about what would happen in her new future.

Lexie waited by the dock for two hours, after calling her mother 6 times and no answer she decided to walk. It took her another hour of walking with a suitcase down streets, receiving questionable looks and stared.

Once she arrived, she wasn't sure what to expect. "holy mother of god" she mumbled to herself as she look up to this beautiful huge house with gardens and a water fountain in the front.

Lexie had knocked at her door, her breathing becoming heavier, 5 minutes later a man showed up. "Uh hi, i was told i could find my mother here?" He was dressed in a long dark dressing gown with matching slippers. ew. "you must be Alexis" he eyed her up and down, "uh Lexie is fine thanks" He stepped backwards signalling her to walk inside.

She had walked in and saw a spiral staircase with random art and statues. "who is it?", A woman called out from the other room. Lexie took a deep breath. Last time she remembered being with her was she had beaten badly by her mother, all because Lexie wanted her to stay with her and dad, she was 5. Nearly died. she spent 3 weeks in the hospital. Aunty Jo went crazy protective over her after that. Even made her take defensive classes till she was 14.

"uh- Hi, been awhile, how you've been?" her voice went shaky, "oh my dearest Alexis" She called out. she waved to her over to sit next to her on a massive couch. She wore almost identical to the man who answered the door expect in pink, she had light thin hair, she was very pale and thin woman. "uh you can call me Lexie" She smiled at her.

Her mother chuckled in return, "no, i named you and i'll call you what i want" Lexie nodded her head, scared of the woman. "you look like your father, sound like him to" it warmed Lexie's heart to think that she looked like him. "thanks" she said in return.

"so there are rules here, you get a job, anywhere i don't care, make friends with other rich kids get in the good books, only date another rich kids, you hear me" she spoke sternly. "uh yeah-"

"great. this is your new dad, Anthony, you treat him with the same respect and love as you do with me" she just stared at Lexie with a devilish look, "uh - yeah"

"great, your room is upstairs, 2nd on the left, bathroom is right across the hallway, cooks will make you meals, maids will clean your stuff" Lexie nodded again. " go to bed, you look like shit" She nodded again, not knowing what to say and made her way to her room.

It was a room with a double bed against the window, two bedside tables, a giant mirror with a huge wardrobe, with a set of drawer / cabinet looking thing. "i've got a lot to do" she mumbled.

"uh finally" Lexie feel back onto her bed, all makeup was by the mirror, her band posters and sun + moon tapestries hung on the wall, she had fake plants around, and most importantly my guitar.

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Lexie woke up at 8am. fuck

She rolled out of bed and threw on some shorts and a band shirt. Lexie left her dark curly hair flow onto her shoulders. Lexie was naturally pretty, all she the makeup she used was mascara and concealer to cover up the morning bags.

"good morning" Lexie softly spoke as she walked downstairs, her mother chuckled, "yeah no, your not wearing that, i'm taking you out to meet people in the town, so put on something more appropriate. "uh - okay, be right back" Lexie turned around and ran back upstairs

"not appropriate? wtf we live on a island who cares" she mumbled to herself in her room.

She pulled out white loose button up shirt. it wasn't slutty or anything to do with rock bands, but did show more skin than preppy clothes, so she was happy, it was good enough for her anyway.

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6:00pm came and Lexie spoken to so many people, "okay Alexis, last family to meet, the Cameron's, you should make friends with Sarah, she is your age, oh and maybe you could date her brother" she nudged her arm and Lexie just chuckled back to her, being extremely uncomfortable.

"Ahhh Rose!" she walked up to this woman to wore a beautiful white dress, her husband wore a light blue tux, "oh Alice, it is so nice to see you" they lightly hugged and kissed each others cheeks, "oh and who is this!" looking at Lexie.

Her mother held out her hand for Lexie to step forward, "this is Alexis, my daughter, she lived in Australia but moved to live with me after her dad, left" she smiled at the girl with a fake smile.

"hi, you can call me Lexie, my father passed away, he didn't leave" Lexie smiled at rose and turned to her mother and smiled at her, her looked turned sour, "oh my dear i am so sorry to hear that" her husband, "I'm Ward Cameron" she smiled and held his hand, Lexie shook is respectively.

"WHEEIZE, SARAH, RAFE, COME HERE!" Ward yelled smiling. Three people ran up towards them. "Guys meet Alexis - uh sorry, Lexie, Lexie this is Wheeize, Rafe and Sarah" Lexie smiled and waved at all of them. "Hi"

"Sarah, your the same age as Lexie, why don't you to go hang out, show her the town!" Rose proposed. "oh yes sounds great! there is actually going to be a bonfire down at the beach, maybe we could hangout and i'll bring her home after, if that's okay, Mrs. P?"

"That'll be okay, i trust you Sarah," she smiled then pushed Lexie forward to go to Sarah, she nudged her head to walk with her. Rafe looked at Lexie the whole entire time, not taking his eyes off her.

"well, Lexie, welcome to Outer Banks, Paradise on earth!" she linked their arms together, "It's the sort of place where you have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island" she raised her eyebrows at Lexie, we sat down by the dock. "two tribes?"

"kooks and pogues. we darling are kooks, rich, healthy and with luxurious lives, pogues are the southsiders, they do whatever they want, whenever they want, i'm sure you'll see them tonight, they are the poor, dirty side of the island" Lexie nodded her head agreeing with Sarah, although being a pogue sounds better.

"Okay so we are gonna go get ready for the bonfire tonight, and you my pretty are going to tell me your life story!"

"i mean i could but it isn't all that interesting" they laughed as they walked up to her house.

I'm totally bluffing, my life should be book or movie, this shit is so good!

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