Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Waking up to the sun blazing in my face and the comfort of not feeling harry next to me made me get up. Stretching my arms and legs. I let out a big yawn, reaching for my engagement ring I added it on and swung my legs on the side landing them on the cold ground. I got up and added my spongebob slippers on and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went back to the room grabbing a towel and stripping off my clothes I turned on the tab getting a feel of the warm water, turning on the shower, I took off my slippers and I got in.

Feeling the warm water hitting my body made me feel relaxed, I've been stressed lately with the whole school and bullying situation made me uncomfortable and mostly sad. I always hated the fact of people getting bullied and since I was the one getting bullied pulling myself esteem down. I felt like giving up, just leaving this world. I thought of suicide but never did because Harry was my rock. He helped me get through it. I sometimes think I'm not so good for Harry, I feel like harry can do so much better then me, I honestly don't know why Harry picked me? Out of everyone he saw he picked me, so it made me feel somewhat important and special.

Running my hands though my wet hair, I added shampoo on the palm of my hair and started adding it to my hair scratching the scalp of my hair and cleaning it good. What Taylor said about Harry how ' A guy who sleeps with girls will never change' got me thinking but harry loves me and I know he wouldn't hurt me. Cleaning my hair and body I turned off the water and grabbed the towel from the rack and added the towel around my body securing it.

I got out of the shower, rubbing the fog off the mirror with my hands I look at my reflection my long black curly hair hanging down, My Big brown eyes staring at my reflection and my cheek bones. I came out of the bathroom and went to find something to wear, I found a red ymca sweat pants and a grey long shirt. Adding the clothes on and my hair still damped making tiny little droplets land on my shirt I add my slippers back on and head downstairs.

I see demi and Miley watching television like always watching Spongebob square pants. I walked to them and greeted them by saying " Good Morning" they said it back and continued to watch the show. I headed to the kitchen to find harry but he was nowhere to be found, coming out of the kitchen I see demi and Miley laughing " Guys, Have you seen Harry?"I asked " Nope, Not since last Night"demi said turning her attention to me. I nodded my head and checked outside to see if his car is outside and to my surprise it was still here because harry wouldn't leave without leaving a note or without saying goodbye.

Biting my bottom lip I come back inside closing the door I notice his office isn't locked, walking towards it I open it and see Harry. I was so nervous that something bad happened to him but thank god he was okay. He looked up at me with a smile " Good Morning Princess"he said " Harry, what are you doing here?"I asked coming towards him. I was so nervous that something bad actually happened to him " I'm doing homework baby"he said making me sigh. He turns his chair towards me and motions me to sit on his lap so I obey " I thought something bad happened to you"I told him he moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck, closing my eyes I heard him say " Nothing bad would happen to me, because if It did then I won't be able to see you and your smile again"he said opening my eyes I smiled. " Are you hungry?"I asked " Starving"he said I got off his lap and kissed his lips.

I walked out of the room and asked the girls a question " Are you guys hungry? Did you guys eat?"I asked " Which one do you want us to answer first?"Miley asked " we ate already, were not hungry"demi said smiling " Okay"I said. I headed to the kitchen and decided to make lunch for Harry. I didn't know what to make him, I'm not a really good chef, the only thing I could actually make is Sandwiches, Going towards the fridge I took the loaf of bread, cheese, Mayonnaise, And Meat. I began to cut the loaf of bread and toasted it. Once it finished I added mayonnaise over the bread, grabbing the Roman lettuce from the fridge I took some adding it to the sandwich then I added the meat and cheese.

Once I finished the sandwich I added it on a plate and went to the fridge and grabbed orange juice, pouring some in a glass I took it over to harry. Seeing harry so concentrated on a book--Wait, he's actually reading a book?. Adding the plate on the desk I quickly snatch the book from his hands " Mortal Instruments;City Of Bones"I read outload " Very funny selena, give me my book back"Harry said getting up making me smile " wow! Look at you"I said teasing him making him chuckle " This is a very good book"I tell him he grabbed my waist pulling me close to him " I rather read you"he said making me freeze he snatch the book from my hands and kissed my lips. A smile formed on his lips when he took a seat on his chair " Your to easy"he tells me making me wide my mouth " You did not just say that?"I said making him laugh, he put his book down getting up and walking towards me " Oh, but I did babe"he said biting my bottom lip I quickly stopped " Your a dick"I said making him gasp, he cornered me to a wall, pinned my hands over my head, his eyes roaming my body " Do you know how badly I want you?"he asked licking his lips " How Badly?"I said seductively " I just want to ripe your clothes off, feel you up and kiss you so badly"he said I smashed my lips giving him soft moist kiss on his lips. I broke out of the kiss and begin to walked away but quickly stopped " don't say I'm to easy"I said smiling and walking away.

[ H A R R Y ]

Fuck! She left me huge. You know how badly I wanted to litterly Fuck her right now, ripe her clothes off of her and just Fuck her hard? She's such a tease. I love how she plays with me, she's lucky we have company because I would've fucked her right now and right here. She's a huge impact on me and she's litterly the only girl who makes me feel this way.

I love her so much.

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