I wish you were never born (Matsuno brothers x Older sister!Reader)

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~6 years and 1 one year old~
You sit alone in the living room, sulking while drawing a picture for your mother. After you got six baby brothers, your parents payed more attention to them instead of you, so why shouldn't you be angry and sad?

'Mommy didn't even watched me in kindergarten jumping from the swing. Why are they so much more important?' You pout angry, changing to your red crayons while sucking on a lollipop. At least Matsuyo gave you six lollipops for being such a good girl lately, so you aren't that mad at her. While you focus on the piece of paper, you don't notice one of your baby brothers crawling inside the living room and over to you. 'Mommy will be proud of me when I show her what I made for only her.' You smile proudly, pulling the empty lollipop stick out of your mouth and grabbing the last one.

But when you don't feel anything next to you, you look down confused when the candy is gone. You hum and sulk a bit, looking around, but flinch when you see one of your baby brothers suckling on the candy. "H-Hey! Jyushimatsu! Give it back!" You quickly pull it out of his mouth, or, well, you try to. Jyushimatsu holds onto it while suckling on the sweet treat and he is surprisingly strong for a baby. "Give it ... back!" You manage to pull it out of his mouth, stumbling back a bit. Jyushimatsu tears up and starts to cry loudly, causing you to flinch when Matsuyo quickly rush inside. "Y/n! What did you do?!" She ask angry, picking him up and rocking him gentle up and down to calm him down. "E-Eh? I-I didn't do anything! Jyushimatsu just took my candy and-" "You can't let candy lay around Y/n. You know your brothers are too young for it." Matsuyo sighs and leaves the room to bring him back to his brothers. You look down with teary eyes and sniffle, throwing the lollipop away.

~The next day~
You still decided to draw a picture for Matsuyo, hoping she won't yell at you again. You change the colors from the crayons from now and then, smiling a bit from how good it looks like. You place the blue crayon down, getting up and walking to the kitchen to get yourself a package juice. Once you left the room, one of your little brothers crawls inside and looks curious around, locking eyes with the crayons on the low tea table. He crawls over as quick as he can, before he raise his tiny arms and pulls the paper down with a few crayons rolling down. He grabs one and breaks it into half, giggling happily and doing it with the others as well before he starts drawing as well.

You sigh and close the door, drinking your peach juice and walking back to the living room. You flinch when you hear giggling, rushing quick to the living room, but dropping your juice when you see Karamatsu drawing on your paper and a bit on the wall. "K-Karamatsu! Stop that!" You yell at him and run over, the juice dripping into the tatami mats. You pull the crayons and the paper quick out of his hands, causing him to tear up and to start crying again. "Wha-?! Sh-Shut-" "Y/n!" You flinch and look at Matsuyo with teary eyes. She sighs and picks up Karamatsu, rubbing his back gentle. "You are six years old, I thought you know that walls aren't there to draw on." You froze and look down to the floor, not saying a word. Matsuyo sighs and picks up the juice. "Don't spill your drinks Y/n."

~The next day~
You lay on your futon in the smaller guest room, since the sextuplets got the bigger one. Of course you were mad about it, but you can't talk back to your parents when it comes to your little brothers. You read a book you really like, hoping one of your parents will read you a bedtime story today. Since your brothers are there, they don't have time for that anymore. 'Maybe when I'm a good girl today, mommy will read me a bedtime story. Ah! And when I come to school in a few months, I'll be super smart so mommy and daddy will praise me! They only praise my stupid brothers and even if they crawl. I can crawl too, but I don't get praised for that.' You pout a bit, but smile happy when you read a part in the book you really enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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