One stroke away (Yokai!Matsuno brothers x Tsundere artist!Reader)

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For @Tsundere_doll_3642

I hope you like it ^^

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You sigh softly when you finally unpacked all of your belongings, grabbing your sketch book and a pencil before leaving the house to find a place to draw. You just moved to a house near a forest, ignoring the warnings from the people in town. They say, that spirits still live in the forest and you shouldn't disturb them with your presence. Even though you have respect of spirits, you are sure this is just a legend. No one ever saw a spirit for more over than thousand years, so you are sure they don't live anymore, no matter what. Even if spirits can get very old, humans were afraid of them and killed them back then, even if they were good.

You sit down under a tree in the shadows, starting to draw the house and his surroundings. 'It really feels nice here. Moving out of town was a great idea, but ... now I need to walk down to the supermarket for at least an half hour, so ... I guess that's not very good.' You sigh softly, leaning more back against the tree and looking up with half closed eyes. 'I honestly ... could take a nap right now...' Slowly, your eyelids growing heavy and you fall asleep.

But soon, the peace you felt for a few minutes gets interrupted when you feel something poking your cheek. "Hn?" "Ah! She wakes up! Put your head back!" You hear a hushed voice next to you say very panicked. Slowly, you open your eyes a bit and with a blurry vision, you can see six men around you. They look at you surprised and curious, while you stare at them with half closed eyes tired. " ... AAAAAAAAAH!!" "AAAAAAAAAH!!" You scream first and they scream back, quickly getting away and hiding behind a tree.

"What the hell?!" You quickly get up, picking up a stick and ready to hit them. "What are you creeps doing?! Staring at a girl who is sleeping! If you touched me, I'll kill you!" You yell angry. "W-We didn't! Really!" The guy with the green yukata says panicked. You narrow your eyes at him, while he looks worried at you. "W-We just found you here a-and thought y-you were hurt! W-We just wanted t-to make sure y-you are okay!" You huff and cross your arms. "So what, you think I will believe you this?" "Yeah!" The guy in the red yukata speaks up, but still hides behind the tree. You sigh and glance away, before you pick up your sketch book and pencil. "Leave me alone or I'll call the cops on you."

"Your drawings looking super pretty!" The guy in the yellow yukata says with a happy smile. "You perverts looked at my drawings?!" "How does that makes us perverts?" The guy in the purple yukata ask with a raised brow confused, sounding rather calm. You flinch before you growl angry, storming off to your house quick. "H-Hey! Wait little flower!" The guy in the blue yukata yells. "Leave!" "D-Don't listen to my stupid brothers! Pl-Please let me explain it!" The guy in the pink yukata says panicked, but you quickly went inside and slam the door shut, locking it. 'Creeps!'

~Time skip~
These "creeps", came to your place almost every day for two months now. They always hold a distance to you at first, so you won't get mad, but slowly you started to get annoyed from them always staring at you, so you started to talk with them. It happened that you seven became friends and they visit you now longer, since you don't throw sticks, stones or kick them away whenever they come closer.

"What are you drawing today Y/n-chan?" Todomatsu ask curious, leaning closer. "This tree." You say calm, glancing up to the old, huge tree before down to your sketch book again. "Why don't you draw me instead~? I'm much more handsome than this tree~." Osomatsu says with a flirty smirk, pointing at his face. "I won't agree to this." You say calm and Osomatsu looks very shocked, while his five brothers snickering evil. "Did you draw a cat last time? Can I have the picture?" Ichimatsu ask from the other side, very close to you. "How about you draw me, little flower~?" Karamatsu ask charming with a cool smirk. "Draw baseball! I wanna know how it looks like!" Jyushimatsu says excited. "Y-You don't have to listen to them Y/n-chan." Choromatsu says a bit panicked/worried.

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