A Heart's Turmoil

Start from the beginning

"Robin!" Tuck calls, causing the thief to halt in his tracks. "She does love you."

Closing his eyes to prevent the onslaught of emotions that desperately wants to break free, Robin admits, "I know." Then, after giving Tuck a faint smile, he continues in the direction of the Merry Men's camp as he forces himself to solely focus on completing the last stage of the plan.


It's been two days since she left. Two days where all she could think about was a certain thief with bright blue eyes. God, she would give anything to be with him now. But alas, that was not an option for her, and most likely never would be again.

Upon reaching her destination, Regina forces herself to put all thoughts of Robin aside. Once she feels she's managed to compose herself, the brunette dismounts her horse before gazing up at the Dark One's castle.

That Imp is the last person she wants to see, but he's also the only person who can change her back to her true form. So, with that thought in mind, Regina leads her horse to a nearby tree and ties its reins on a low hanging branch. Then after giving the mare a pat on her muzzle, the brunette settles into her queenly persona as she stalks up the stairs that lead to the Dark Castle's main doors.

Regina's gaze falls onto Rumplestiltskin the moment she's pushed the heavy wooden doors open. Annoyance fills her as he simply leans against a table with a smug smirk splayed across his lips. "Alright, enough games," she states, knowing that he won't be game enough to make the first move. Upon receiving no reply, the still-disguised queen continues to glare at the imp and walks towards him whilst snarling, "Change me back."

"Sorry dearie, do I know you?" Rumple replies in a mocking tone, "I already have a maid. Promising girl actually!"

"Cut the crap!" Regina exclaims exasperatedly as she moves to stand in front of the man, "You know who I am."

"No, can't say that I do." Rumple states with his signature giggle.

"I'm the queen you imbecile." the disguised queen sneers before stalking past him towards what she assumes is a covered mirror. She resists the urge to growl as Rumple gives a slight cough and waves a hand in front of his face.

"Do peasants have no soap then?" the brunette hears him ask.

Huffing in pure annoyance, Regina tugs the cloth off of the mirror and discards it to the side as she demands, "Will you just take this damn spell of me? I have a castle to get back to and I've got no time to waste."

"What's the matter?" Rumple tuts, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he stands next to her, "Didn't quite get the outcome you had hoped for?"

Pursing her lips, Regina quips, "The outcome doesn't matter."

"Oh, why not?" he asks in a mockingly sympathetic tone.

"Because it doesn't." she snaps, her head turning to face the man beside her, "And I fail to see how that has anything to do with you changing me back."

"Can't a mentor express his interest in what his student gets up to?" Rumple inquires, feigning any real interest.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you're attempting to strike another deal." Regina growls disdainfully.

In response, the imp merely gives a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

"Forget it." the disguised queen states in a firm tone. The deal had been made – when she was finished with her business she could call upon him to change her back. There's no way Regina would be diddled into making another one. With that thought in mind, Regina claims, "If you're not going to hold up your end, I won't hold up mine." And without another word, the brunette turns on her heel, retracing her steps towards the castle's front doors. However, unable to resist, she calls over her shoulder, "Enjoy finding someone else to aid you in running George's economy into the ground."

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