Scarlett leans forward, whispering into her ear, but everyone knows what the actress was asking, and cheering for her. "I don't get it enough regularly because I'm not there, what would I be missing anyways." Scarlett smacks her arm, sending a glare. "Well, it's true!"

The interview goes on for a while longer, but always seems to come around to that same question. Marvel or DC? Thankfully, once their interview is over, they're able to leave, heading back to the hotel for the night instead of going out like they wanted to earlier.


They stay in the next morning, having a good cuddle session that doesn't go anywhere but kissing. Because mostly, they were all ridiculously tired, and just wanted to spend time with each other. However, they did decide to go out for lunch, not wanting anything the hotel had offered.

The three women knew they should've just gotten the food picked up, or had their driver drive them, it is his job after all, but there were tired of being in cars. They just wanted to sit and eat.

So, they walked the short, but surprisingly long way to the small Mexican restaurant down the street. Only reason it took longer than it should to get there, were the photographers. Getting in their way, stopping them from going any further so they would have to answer their questions. Luckily, there wasn't any real issue, and when the women had gotten into the restaurant, the owner personally came out and shooed the photographers away.

"May I start you ladies with something to drink?" They were asked with a bright smile from the waitress.

"Coke, please." Olivia orders, with Scarlett shaking her head. Both lovers ordering water before looking over the menu.

"You need to lay off the soda, love." Her red haired actress tells, but Olivia shakes her head.

"Nah, I'm fine with that delicious drink. And it's not like I constantly throw them back. It could be worse." Margot gives a chuckle, knowing she's talking about her own soda drinking habit.

"Let us be love." Margot nudges Scarlett.

Olivia agrees, kissing her lover's cheek, "yea love, let us be." Scarlett rolls her eyes, before she looks over the menu.

Drinks are soon set on the table, and the waitress takes their orders before walking away.

They talk about upcoming projects, like Scarlett is suppose to head to Disneyland to help open the new Avengers Compound, while Margot is going back home for a week or two for press and shows. However, Olivia has to head back to Canada to film a few scenes in a show that she has yet to be able to talk about. She's only guest starring for a few episodes, but that's still gonna take days of completion. But, after it, vacation time. Which they start talking about as they eat.

"I don't want to go anywhere where it's so hot, nor anywhere where I'm freezing my tits off. But, I don't want to go to Hawai'i, that's just too cliché. Greece? Maybe France? Or, we could go to Australia to visit mama and pa. Fuck, we could just take a month off, and visit everything." Margot smiles at her girlfriend's suggestion.

"They would be happy to see the two of you again. It's been too long." Comments Margot.

Though they don't make any set in stone plans about their upcoming vacation, they do start to plan, and make list about what they need to get. Like, once they get to Australia, sunscreen. Find the closest store that sells sunscreen and buy it all. Olivia burns. Like, it's a bad burn too. But, she knows her lovers would spread aloe all over her to help.

After eating, they do call their driver this time, because instead of going home, they head to the nearest bookstore, all three wanting new books to read. A smirk comes to Scarlett's lips, turning to Olivia and nudging her arm. "Be careful with what you pick out, we don't need another Kama Sutra incident."

Olivia huffs, "I didn't know he followed me inside the store! And I was curious about it!" Arms cross in front of her chest, as her lovers share giggles.

As rude as they were being, Olivia couldn't stay mad at them for long. They go their separate way once inside, heading to the genres they liked. Margot heading towards romance, while Scarlett goes for the murder mystery and Olivia loves the supernatural shit. Being a sucker for shapeshifters and vampires (the non-sparkly kind). Between sets, she always had some supernatural book she was reading, and was gifted a few new ones that she was just barely getting to ready.

"Babe, look." Scarlett shoved the book under her nose, before Olivia could see what the title was, but from the smirk on her lover's face, she honestly should've known. The book that brought her a lot of embarrassment, was in her girlfriend's hand. Laughs falling her blonde haired girlfriend's lips as Olivia sent her a glare.

"Asshole." A snickering Scarlett walks away, putting the book back.

They don't spend long in the store, Olivia - being the sweet and kind loving girlfriend she is, pays for the books. Earning her cheek kisses from her lovers after they leave.

Sadly, they had to get back to the hotel, Olivia needing to get ready for her plane ride over to Canada. But, all three knew within the month, they'd be somewhere, taking in the beautiful sights. And maybe, just maybe, she'll tell her lovers which side she prefers. Marvel. Or DC.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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