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I bought the new Rollie just so we can reset time

-One Week Later-

-One Week Later-

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Since Mercedes' death I been on go. I looked for TJ day and night. The nigga was real quiet out in the streets. Nobody knew where this muthafucka was. I promise on everything I love that I was gon' find TJ bitch ass and body him. My world was turned upside down after Cedes died. The woman I loved was gone. Our unborn baby was gone. It was a pain that I wouldn't wish on nobody. After I told her parents they put the blame on me for her death. To be honest, I felt like it was my fault too. If I wasn't beefing with TJ none of this wouldn't of happened. I wasn't invited to the funeral which they had in North Carolina. I was gon' turn up but realized her parents suffered a loss just like I did. A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts. I stood up from the couch, going over to the door to open it.

"What up Sam?" I greeted Samarah after opening the door.

"Hey Roddy" she said softly.

I stepped back allowing her to come inside my apartment. She called me after the funeral saying she wanted to meet up. I closed the door before turning around to face her.

"How are you?" she asked sitting this shoe box on top of the island countertop.

"Not good. How about you?" I asked eyeing the shoe box.

"Same. I'm sorry my parents banned you from attending her funeral but I recorded it for you."

Sam pulled a flash drive from her jean pocket and handed it to me. I took it from her gripping it tightly. My emotions was starting to build up.

"You don't blame me?" I asked locking eyes with her.

"No, it's not like you pulled the trigger. Wrong place. Wrong time" she said sadly.

"But I was beefing with the nigga."

"Roddy, I'm not my parents. I've been rooting for you guys since day one. None of us thought this would happen."

I looked down at the hardwood floors holding back tears. A nigga was never this emotional but losing the love of your life and unborn baby could do that to you.

"We cleaned her house out the other day. I found some things I think you would want" she said sliding the shoe box toward me.

I opened the box checking out what was inside. There was some pictures of us, her favorite perfume, the necklace I gave her, and an ultrasound. I picked the picture up examining it. You could barely see the baby unless you looked real close. I tried hard to fight my emotions but I couldn't hide it anymore. Tears welled up in the brim of my eyes then rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Roddy" Sam said hugging me.

I broke down in her arms really realizing Mercedes ain't coming back. We not gonna have our baby. We not gonna spend the rest of our lives together like we planned to.

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