I Might

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I might take all my niggas, we out on vacation. Mama told me all it took was motivation. I might cash out on the baddest bitch. Yeah and trade that bitch for a badder bitch.



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I held my stomach as the cramps grew intensely. I was extremely nervous because of my past experiences with being pregnant.

"Please God. Let my baby make it" I said silently looking up to the ceiling in my office.

I slowly stood up from my desk preparing to go to the bathroom. After exiting my office, I headed down the hall and into the bathroom. I went into the nearest stall. I pulled my skirt down followed by my panties noticing a few drops of blood. Panic set in causing tears to well up in the brim of my eyes. Tears rolled down my cheek as my eyes took in the spots of blood in my underwear. I pulled my clothes back up and left the bathroom. I went to Mr. Cotler's office knocking on the door.

"Come in" he called out.

I opened the door busting in.

"Mercedes are you okay? You're crying" he said standing up from his desk.

"I'm spotting and cramping I need to go to the hospital" I said holding my stomach.

He nodded his head walking over to me.

"Let me take you" he offered.

"No it's okay. I know you have a lot to do" I said trying to catch my breath.

He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Let me take you" he said sternly.

I locked eyes with him nodding.

"Okay" I said defeated.

We walked down to the parking lot and over to his Lambo truck. He helped me into the passenger seat. I curled up trying to have positive thoughts. I really wanted to be a mother. I would be crushed if my baby never made it to term. When we got to the nearest hospital, Mr. Cotler helped me out. Of course the irritating hospital staff was rude once we got inside. After filling out paperwork for what seemed like forever I was able to be seen.

"Hello Mercedes. I'm Dr. Rashad. Everything looks to be fine. I would just recommend you go home and get some rest" the doctor said taking a seat across from me and Mr. Cotler.

"My baby is okay?" I asked nervously.

"Your baby is doing great. Spotting and cramping can be common in the early stages of pregnancy."

"So it's normal? I just have a history of miscarrying."

Mr. Cotler rubbed my shoulder gently. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile.

"I understand how this can be a bit nerve wrecking for you but things look great. You just have to keep watch over yourself for the next eight months" Dr. Rashad said.

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