you take the man out of the city (not the city out of the man)

Start from the beginning

"...To the examinees out there, I'll give a rundown of the practical exam. Are you ready?" Present Mic tried again to hype up the crowd. However, silence is all there is. Present Mic's right eye twitches at the silence, "As the application says, you'll participate in a ten-minute mock battle in the city. You are allowed to bring support items that have been verified by the staff. After this head to your assigned battle center."

[Name] carefully looked at the card the staff gave them. It had their name, where they were supposed to battle, details about their optional weapons, and even a small picture of themselves. They took their time to make sure everything was correct before moving on.

[Name] [Last Name]

Optional Weapons: Verified

Battle Center: F

Thankfully, the photo turned out rather well, sparing them the awkwardness of an unflattering picture.

Present Mic spoke loudly, explaining the rules of the practical exam. [Name] listened carefully and watched the screen, which showed different robots with different point values. Each robot had markings to show how many points they were worth.

"Each practice center is populated with three villains," Present Mic's voice filled the room, echoing as he gestured dramatically towards the presentation screen. He made sure everyone understood the points each robot was worth, emphasizing the scoring system for the exam.

"These villains have different point values, determined by their levels," he clarified. Turning back to the audience, Present Mic's voice softened as he emphasized a critical point. "To earn points, you must utilize your quirks to neutralize these villains. But remember, no harm should come to your fellow examinees, and anti-hero activities are strictly off-limits."

[Name] found it hard to believe. Why would anyone even think of hurting others during a hero school entrance exam? Has there really been examinees who actually did that which made the examiner specifically state that?

"Excuse me! I have a question!" A boy with striking blue hair exclaimed, his voice cutting through the silence as he stood up from his chair. [Name] quickly realized that this person seemed like a teacher's favorite, judging by his eager attitude.

However, [Name] thought they might be able to change their mind if they had a proper conversation with him.

The boy pointed at the printout in his hand, his tone implying an assertion rather than a question. "On this printout, there are three types of villains that are worth points. If it's a misprint, it'll be a discredit to Japan's premier hero academy. We're here as examinees to demonstrate our commitment to becoming exceptional heroes."

Challenging the competence of U.A. was a bold move, and [Name] couldn't help but see the boy as a bit audacious.

His disapproving gaze turned towards a familiar green-haired boy, who had seemingly been murmuring to himself. "And you, frizzy-haired boy," he continued, "your ceaseless muttering is disruptive! If you're here for anything less than a genuine interest in becoming a hero, perhaps it's best you leave."

[Name] was taken aback by the audacity of the blue-haired examinee. Who did he think he was, implying that someone wasn't fit to become a hero? Such hurtful words had the power to deeply wound, leaving mental scars that could linger for a long time. While actions may cause physical injuries, words, especially when used carelessly, have a lasting impact on the mind.

[Name] grappled with the desire to lash out at the overbearing boy, but they held back from intervening in Midoriya's defense. Regret consumed them as they watched the confrontation unfold, feeling guilty for not stepping in to support Midoriya. They felt a pang of sadness at the thought of allowing another examinee to belittle Midoriya without consequences. In their mind, [Name] made a silent vow to apologize to Midoriya later for not coming to his aid.

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