“Again‽” Feidin spoke in resignation, only using his hand to hit Han Xiao’s chest as a token of resistance.

After so many years, he had already gotten used to it. The friendship of men was simple—the more they touched each other, the better their relationship would get.

With the rise of Black Star’s prestige, there were more and more officers who felt cautious about Han Xiao. In the army, only a few old friends, including Feidin, could be so casual in front him.

After Han Xiao was satisfied that he had gotten enough luck, he turned around to look at Aurora before asking, “How’s the accumulation of life energy?”

Aurora smiled, and the entire room seemed to be wrapped with sunshine. “It’s quite huge, and I can feel that as long as I train for another half a year, I’ll step into the Calamity Grade.”

Upon hearing that, Han Xiao nodded.

Aurora’s Esper Ability was that of life, and thus, her life energy was increasing every moment, resulting in the transformation of her body. Not only would her physical fitness become better, her genes would also naturally optimize, and she would maintain her youth forever.

At Grade B, her abilities were upgraded in a different manner. It was difficult for her to train her life energy; she had to wait until the total amount reached the standards of the next level.

This approach had its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage was that progress would be slow. Every day, only a certain amount of life energy would be generated based on one’s level. Because Aurora had created many life potions, her life energy had not yet reached the Calamity Grade, so she rarely did so anymore.

But the benefit in this approach was that there was almost no bottleneck for her in the long term. As long as her life energy reached a certain standard, she could advance, which meant that it was only a matter of time for her to advance to Beyond Grade A, but it might take hundreds or even thousands of years.

Speaking of which, Hila functioned through grabbing the life energy of others to strengthen herself, while Aurora shared her life energy with others and slowed down her own growth rate. Both their abilities and advancement modes were diametrically opposite.

“That’s right, uncle, when will my sister return?” Aurora could not help but ask that.

“I don’t know.” Han Xiao shook his head. “A few days ago, I sent out news to them, but they didn’t reply, nor did they pick up my call. They might have run off to some dangerous place where there’s no signal.”

“Sigh, it’s been so many years. I miss my sister.” Aurora scrunched up her face, looking a little depressed.

“Me too.” Han Xiao nodded.

“Me three.” Hadavy added on.

The duo immediately glared at him, with an expression of ‘what has it got to do with you’ on their faces.

Hadavy crossed his hands and coldly snorted. “She left twenty years ago and is still hogging the title of Captain. Feidin is only a stand-in, and I’m still the deputy, without being able to challenge her position.”

“Oh, it’s like that.” Aurora sighed in relief, patting her bouncy chest. “I thought you had something for my sister.”

“Your sister is so aloof. How could I like her…” Noticing Han Xiao’s gaze, Hadavy trailed off and coughed, mumbling in a small voice, “And how could I dare?”

When he first joined under Black Star, Hadavy did not have many qualifications, so he was willing to serve under Hila as a deputy despite being a Beyond Grade A seed.

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