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Chapter 898 - Impact
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

898 Impact

The members of Fallen Ark were originally criminals that came from different star fields. Some of them were the crazed worshippers of EsGod, while others did it to obtain the protection of EsGod.

Now that EsGod was gone, without their strong leader, no one had the qualifications to step up, so the lawless criminals also lost their reason for banding together.

The criminals knew that without their leader, the next move of the three Universal Civilizations would be to bring the knife to them, completely cleansing the desolate universe belt.

After EsGod fell, the powerful Fallen Ark also began to split apart into countless smaller groups, and one by one, they started to raid all the Fallen Ark’s treasuries.

The desolate universe belt in the Central Galaxy was actually the territory of the Fallen Ark and had maintained a very thin line of balance between all the forces, but now, it had become even more chaotic and dangerous, with the criminals killing and plundering each other.

At this moment, there were more than a thousand battleships surrounding a desolate planet and undergoing a battle.

This planet was one of the secret research facilities established by EsGod, and it stored various valuable materials, technology, and special products. The thousands of battleships belonged to the divided criminal groups, and their purpose was to snatch the results of this Ru0026D base. One of the teams belonged to Shazik.

The surface of the planet had turned into an intense battlefield. Most of the battlefields were not equipped with annihilation weapons but rather only used their battleship cannons to attack. The plasma beams interlaced with each other, coloring the dark universe with bright stripes, as though paint on a canvas. Hulls melted wherever it passed, turning into red hot slag that became obstacles in the battlefield.

The battle continued for a period of time, and finally, the victors were decided. Shazik’s team was one of them, and they raided this facility before leaving in satisfaction.

The inky black blade sliced across the throat, and fresh red blood seeped out, splattering on the bloodied cabin wall.


A gray-skinned creature with dense compound eyes fell over, clutching his bloodied neck, revealing the killer behind.

It was a humanoid creature with a long blade wearing a hood and a black mechanical mask that only revealed a pair of scarlet eyes.

This was a tattered ship cabin, the walls of which were covered with slash marks and electrical arcs. Lying on the ground were hundreds of dead bodies of different species, and the ground was solidified with colorful blood scabs. Only the killer was left standing.

“Number 11,570…”

His voice was hoarse, sounding like a pair of worn bellows. With a flick of his wrist, the blood on the blade disappeared, and he sheathed the blade before pressing on his mechanical mask, sending a message to a number labelled ’employer’.

“Objective complete.”

Very quickly, the employer replied, their tone filled with gratitude.

“Thank you very much, Mister Lothaire. Thank you for taking revenge for us. Without you, we would forever be…”

“This is a transaction. Remember to pay up.”

Lothaire indifferently cut the other party off.

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