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Chapter 769 - Huge Sensation!
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

769 Huge Sensation!

Hadavy was led to a room by Hila and tied to a chair. Hila stood with her arms folded by the side, staring coldly at him.

"Wait here. Black Star will arrive in a while."

Hadavy did not struggle as well. After quietly sitting for a while, he seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little awkward. He looked at Hila and asked, "What's your Esper ability? I've been roaming around the Shattered Star Ring for so many years, yet I haven't heard of you. Someone like you would not be able to mask the news. Which civilization are you from?"

Hila did not even bother to reply, keeping a passive expression.

Seeing that she had no interest, Hadavy could only cough dryly. "Seems like you don't like to converse."

This time, the door opened, and Han Xiao walked in, smiling. "She's from my hometown; we're both from Planet Aquamarine. Because she was learning under Ames, she only appeared recently to help me with my matters."

"The Dragon Emperor's disciple?" Hadavy was stunned, and the look he shot toward Hila changed, filled with admiration and envy.

Planet Aquamarine, a surface civilization, could actually give rise to people like Hila and Black Star. This intrigued Hadavy.


Moving his hand, Han Xiao freed Hadavy from the restraints. He suddenly had a thought, saying, "Ok, you may leave now."

Hadavy was given another shock, and his mouth gaped open as he said, "You're letting me go?"

"That's right." Han Xiao smiled. "No matter what, we've fought so many times, and I respect your abilities. This time, I'm letting you go. The bet can be nulled."

"No no no..." Hadavy immediately stammered. "I'm a man who keeps his word. Since I've lost, I must accept my promise and work for you."

"Well, such a strong Super like you would not agree to simply being someone's subordinate in such a manner," Han Xiao replied, half-seriously and half-jokingly. "I might have reached the Beyond Grade A level, but to peak-level Calamity Grades such as you, I have my respect and will not force you."

Hadavy was so anxious his face turned red. He had initially thought that his plan would be successful and that he could succeed in his gamble and join under Black Star's flag. He did not expect Black Star to actually reject him, with the reason so moving that even he could not reply to that.

"I... you..." Hadavy was speechless, unable to voice his thoughts.

Should he just say that he wanted to serve Black Star? Hadavy felt that this was a little shameful, and he could not bring himself to do it. However, if he just walked away, that would defeat his purpose of going there. In that instant, he fell into a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

Seeing this situation, Han Xiao smiled. "I won't mess with you any further. If you wish to join the Black Star Army, I'll welcome you with open arms. If you are trying to use such tricks to fool me, we can stop the discussion."

Hadavy's face turned red. "You already knew‽"

Upon having his thoughts seen through, he was so embarrassed that he wished to find a hole to hide in.

For Hila, who was standing by the corner with a passive expression, the corners of her mouth curled up into a barely discernible smile.

Han Xiao raised an eyebrow, leisurely saying, "In that case, I'll formally extend an invitation to you. Hadavy, my legion requires your strength. Are you willing to come under my banner?"

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