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 Chapter 4

Abigail walked into the office with her head down. Was it a good idea to read and walk, no, but she needed to get them signed and sent off to HPD.

Abigail wasn't watching where she was going, and she ran into someone coming out of the Five-O office space. A brunette that she wasn't familiar with, the girl smiled at Abigail before apologizing.

"I'm so sorry."

"No, it's my fault, I was reading and walking."

The girl laughed a bit at Abigail.

"I don't think We've met, I'm Catherine."

"Nice to meet you, Abigail."

"Oh, I know, Steve talks about you all the time now, it used to be Danny."

Abigail eyed the woman in front of her with a slight tilt in her head.

"Steve talks about me, all good things I hope?"

Catherine places a hand on her shoulder with a friendly smile on her face as she agreed.

"Well duh, other than the time he shot you and you didn't forgive him for days."

Abigail moved back slightly allowing for Catherine's hand to fall back to her side.

"Well, you try getting shot on the first day of the job."

Abigail could tell that the woman was trying to push her buttons, and if she was being truthful... it was working.

"Well, if you would excuse me, I have a job to finish."

Abigail tried to walk around the woman but Catherine blocked her path.

"Listen. Steve is a good man, he would never have ill intentions, and with you still not over him shooting you, I thi-"

"No, you listen, if you two talk about everything like you say you do, he would have told you by now that we are in clear water. Now again... ex-cuse-me."

Abigail pushed her way past Catherine leaving the woman standing at the door with a confused look on her face.

Abigail wasn't proud of her attitude but she also wasn't about to let some random woman try to tell her what she should and shouldn't do. Still, with anger in her system, Abigail goes to Steves's office.

No knocking and no warning, she just barged in. Steve was too busy in the paperwork on his desk to worry about or even notice that she came in, so Abigail cleared her throat.

Catching him by surprise, Steve was about to ask her if she needed anything but Abigail beat him to the punch.

"The next time your little friend tries to size me up. I will snap her into two and mop the floor with her ass got it?"

The angered woman wasn't waiting for a response when she walked out of the office not before throwing the file that was in her hand onto his desk. Steve was completely confused as to what just unfolded in front of him.

He took the initiative and followed Abigail to her office.

"Abigail, what happened?"

Abigail let out a cold chuckle before she continued searching for more information on one of their cases. Standing there without his question, Steve circled her desk, forcing the chair Abigail was sitting in to turn towards him.

"I'll ask again— what happened?"

"Catherine, that's what happened. Now if you don't mind, I would like to be able to tell Mr. Wayne as to why his daughter was found dead."

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