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Chapter 2

Couple of days later

Still worried over Abigial, Steve didn't get any sleep and the little sleep he did get he just kept dreaming of his Fleet Admiral ripping his head off for shooting his daughter. Steve held Ricardo Jenkins on a pedestal that no one will ever know about, not even Ricardo himself. While he was in the SEAL's Steve was held to a high standard, but Ricardo, that man kept him grounded and made him remember that there is never a tomorrow in their line of work.

So, it's safe to say Steve is soft for his old boss.

Waking up and doing his morning routine, Steve was trying to find more ways to stay awake during his shift since he was tossing and turning all night. When he got to the office Kono was the first to notice his appearance.

"Oh yikes! Looks like someone didn't get a good night's sleep."

"Hush it Kono. The man is still worried over his gunshot victim."

Danny came beside the girl as they both laughed at their boss's current state. Steve paid them no mind as he bypassed them and their comments going straight to his office. Steve was worried that Abigail wouldn't come back all because he was still a shoot first and ask questions later kind of guy.

While Steve was struggling with his own mental problems, a few miles away was the young woman that filled his head with worry.

Abigail was in the house her mother set up for her... and by house she meant her families vacation home, which meant that her mother could pop up at any time without any warning. Which is not something that she wants.

Abigail was going down her mental morning check list when her phone started ringing. She was in the bathroom trying to figure out what she was going to do to her hair, rushing into her room.

A number that she didn't know came flashing across the screen. Abigail started a small debate on if she should answer the phone or not, and right before the last ring she answered.


"Hello, Abigail. Hi this is officer Kono Kalakaua with Five-O-"

"Yes, I'm coming in, No I don't have a time. Wait—How did you get my number?"

"Okay, great but that wasn't what I was going to ask, and I asked Governor Denning."

Abigail was confused as to why the girl on the other side of the phone called her in the first place, and why her uncle was just giving her number away.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast before coming to work. We don't have a case today... so far, and I feel like you need a better welcome to the team then you were given."

Abigail laughed to herself before she continued the conversation.

"That actually sounds really nice. I'll take you up on breakfast."

"Awesome! I'll send you the address."

Both girls said their goodbyes before they hung up. Abigail officially giving up on her hair. She grabbed one of her silk scrunchies from the side of her duffle before picking out a black tank top, some black ripped jeans.

Abigail went down her mental checklist once more before finally making it to the door and putting on her boots. Once in the car, she put in the address that Kono had sent her in her GPS. At least that way Abigail knew she wouldn't get lost on the way.

Kono was sitting in her office when she hung up her phone, she did as she said she would and sent Abigail the address of the restaurant she wanted to meet at. Kono knew that it would mean the world to her boss if he was able to meet with her but this was something that she had to go at alone.

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