Chapter 8 time to make a project Cinderella

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I hit the volleyball with my forearms and the ball flys over the net and the other team fails to hit it so it hits the floor and we get a point.

My team cheers as we win the final point. I guess you could say I'm da bomb at volleyball *rubs finger nails on shirt*

"Rebecca that was amazing! You scored like 6 of the points!" Tyler says running over to me and squealing

"I know! Maybe I could join the volleyball team?" I tell her a bit excited myself

"You totally should, we really need more players before the season starts. And you could fill the spot." she says poking my rib cage causing me to laugh.

"Okay don't worry I will." I say laughing and heading into the locker rooms to change

I change back into my clothes and gather my things and say my farewells to Tyler and stand outside the field entrance. I should wait here since it's raining right?

I see Chandler come out of the boys locker room and come my way. one he sees me he smiles and I wave. Oh gosh why did I wave! That probably looked stupid. Ugh! I can't seem to do anything right!

"Hey Rebecca, can I call you Becca it's seems more... simple. And you look like a Becca." he says smiling showing his perfect white and straight teeth.

"No one really calls me that but sure." I smile at him and we both let out a small laugh.

"Okay so do you want to go now." he says motioning his hands towards the door.

"Uh.. yeah." I tell him and out my hands in my sweatshirt pocket

We open the door and rain is pouring out of the crying sky's eyes. Wait... never mind .(It sounded better in my head)

"Oh yeah, the rain. Um... how about I get my car and pull it up to the sidewalk so you don't halftime get to wet." he suggests

"Yeah, I mean if you want." I tell him almost stuttering. Oh why can't I be normal around him.

"Okay... well then, I'll be right back." he says stretching out the L. he runs out the door to his car.

Once he's in he start it and pulls it up to the curb. I run and almost dive in. oh great now I'm out of breath. Curse my non fit ways.

"You okay?" He says smiling.

"Yeah. yeah, I'm okay." I breath out

"Okay, well let's get this done." he says pulling out of the school

"Okay, so what's your deal?" He asks

"My deal? What does that mean." I ask with a small laugh.

"Like why don't you ever talk to anyone other then Tyler. Its kinda like you isolate yourself in this bubble. Your a really cool person. And I think you should embrace it." He tells me falling back in his seat at a red light and I look at him and he looks at me.

"I don't really know. Well it's kinda like after my parents past Tyler was the only one there for me. so I don't know? It's just always just been me and her." I shrug. something in my chest gets heavy at the mention of my parents.

"Oh I guess that makes sense. I knew you were really close to your father. I kinda wish I would have said something to you. I guess I was just cared to talk to you." he tells me and someone behind us blows their horn. He turns his attention to the now green light. he curses under his breath and steps on the gas causing me to fall back in my seat.

"Why were you scared to talk me." I ask him with a chuckle.

"I think get you would have blown up crying or something. That whole 'Girls are stupid thing' I guess. And my friends are the biggest assholes ever so they probably would have made fun of me back then." he says laughing pulling into the Lows.

"That's a pretty valid reason." I says nodding my head slowly two times before I break out into a laugh and he does to.

"I have an umbrella in my glove compartment of you want to grab it." he says pointing to the space still smiling.

I open it and sure enough theirs an umbrella, but that's not the best part it's a yellow umbrella.

I pull it out and look at him,"Are you a How I Met Your Mother fan?" I ask holding up the umbrella.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone." he says serious. I look at the handle

"Wow you even carved TM in the handle. You're like hard core." I tell him and he grabs the umbrella out of my hand.

"Led go." he says getting out and opening the umbrella comming to my side of the car.

I get out and we walk to the store together.

"Okay so what do we need?" He asks and I dig out the list of stuff.

"Um.. we need... Pipe, Green paint, foam, hinges, and something to make the cells with." I read off the slip and out it back into my pocket.


We sit on his bedroom floor putting the green pipes together with the hinges.

"Okay I think that's good." he says screwing it.

"Okay so this is the inside. we could make a 3D side and the other could explain what everything is." I tell h and he shrugs

"Yeah that could work. But the Projects not due till Monday, so why don't you come over tomorrow around 12-12:30 and we can eat lunch and then get started." he suggests and I smile at him

"Yeah sounds good." I tell him and I look at the clock. 6:38 ew that's not good.

"Well... I gotta go." I say standing up and grabbing my bag. and he shoots up and grabs my wrist

"Don't you want to stay for dinner?" He ask

"I really have to go. But I'm making pizza if you want to eat dinner with me and my family?" I tell him adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"Sure that sounds good." he says smiling

"Okay." I smile back and we head down stairs

"My moms not home and my dads in Main so I was gunna eat alone." he explains

The rain stopped around an hour ago so it's all wet and muddy outside when we open the door.

"Alright. Well, then you can help me with the pizza." I tell him and unlock my door and push the door in.

"Sounds good." he smiles

The Chandler Brooks will be making a pizza with me! Oh. My. God!



Okay I'm really super duper sorry for not posting a chapter in what a week or two I've just been really busy and not have had any time.

But how about that Becca and Chandler moment??

Okay so what's your favorite I think mines actually Tyler.

Well anyway don't forget to (please) vote

Bye 😘

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