"O-m-g girllllll!!" I said shocked

"What" she said giggling

"You look so pretty and that dress omg" I said smiling like crazy

️"Thanks"she said laughing.

There were knocks on the door and I ran down the stairs opening the door. I didn't need to ask who it was because I knew it was Lina, Glenique and Danielle.

"Tay!!" They shouted together.

"Hey guys, I got about 20 minutes to get ready, so can we please hurry" I said giving them a slight smile.

"Sure" Danielle said with a smirk

I gabbed their hands and pulled them up the stairs. I was really excited but really nervous and I felt like I was freaking out. As we entered my room I locked the door and told everyone to get dress. I went into the bathroom, took a quick bath and curled my hair at the front and put a bun at the back. After I carefully put on my dress so it wouldn't mess my hair up. Then i put on a pair of black and pink converse that my dad had brought for me before he died.I looked into the mirror and smiled, Tonight is going to be awesome. I came out of the bathroom finding everyone already dressed and staring at me.

"What" I said looking down at my self.

"You look really nice" Danielle said looking at me from head to toe.

"️Thanx so do you" I replied with a smirk.

"But converse" Lina said giving me a weird look.

I rolled my eyes in a playful way and yelled "picture time".I took out my phone and we gave our best pose, "send it to me I wanna remember this day" Glenique said. Before I could reply my phone started buzzing.

Text message

"Hey Tay I'm out side of your house"- Jake

Kk on my way down :)- Tay
End of text message

"Girls he's here, how do I look"I said looking down at myself

"You look great Tay, now get going" Lina said with a smile

"What about you guys" I replied slowly.

"We'll leave soon now gooooo" Glenique said shoving me out of the house.

Taylor's POV..
It's really happening,I want it to be like the best date ever

As i nervously stepped outside i noticed him fixing himself through the mirrow reflection of his car,which was so cute. "Jake" i then said, he jumped a little looking back at me ...he stared at me with a shocked look on his face "What ? Is something wrong" i said with a straight face. "No, its just that u look really beautiful" he said with a smile. "Tha...thanks" i said blushing.

He then opened the door for me to get in the car which i thought was very romantic!

"She is so beautiful I cant stop looking at her" Jake said in his mind. "So is there a story behind the converse?" Jake asked while smiling at Taylor. "Nope, not really am just not a fan of heels...i like to be the odd, special one " she answered laughing. "Well I like an odd, special girl alot " he said smiling.I was blushing so hard that my cheeks began to turn red because I know he was refering to me "Is that so" i said blushing with a smile "Yup" Jake said..... I now realized we were still driving! "So are you going to tell me where are you taking me?" I asked anxiously "Its still a suprise" he answered....... "Were here" he said with a smirk "Finally:" I replied excitedly.

Taylor's POV
When Jake turned off the car he rushed out quickly to open my door, which again was so romantic . As i stepped out of the car there were pretty light all around this beautiful fancy looking reataurant I was amazed. I headed towards the entrance where a lady greeted me and Jake so politely and directed us to a table.The resataurant was called Aimer Chateau which means Love Castle.Jake pulled out the chair so i can sit then he also took a seat. We were now facing each ohter just staring into each others eyes and smiling not saying a word. Then we were interrupted when a waitress approached us asking what would we like to drink wine or champaign and if we would like the special for dinner ....which kinda ruined the moment.

"Ahhhh...we would surely like the special" Jake answered "And wine will be nice" I ended."Sure thing" the waitress answered and she left. She then returned with a bottle of red wine and our food. After we were finish eating we went for a walk on the beach under the moon light..yes the restaurant is on a beach..ikr.. we were just talking when we stopped Jake came infront of me and looked me straight in the eye and said "Can i ask u a question?" "Sure" i replied anxiously my heart pounding out of my chest "ahhh would yo..you like to be my ahhh girlfriend?" He ask nervuosly with a smile "Yes, i would love to". i said...i was jumping up'down and all around inside. He gave me a long hug, then entwined our hands together as we walk to the car.

I made this chapter long because I wouldn't be updating for a while, I got some help tho. Hope you like it


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