Confused But Delighted

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"Why isn't Walter talking to me anymore. He's been talking to you guys a lot so I know you know why."

Henry walked up to the prince and his boyfriend. Both Wilhelm and Simon looked worried. The could see the state the blond boy was in and didn't know how to handle the situation. If they didn't tell him he'd become extremely upset. If they did tell him Walter would become extremely upset. Either way it was a bad situation.

Simon looked back and forth between Wilhelm and Henry. He didn't know what to do. He was hoping Wilhelm would figure it out but by the look on Wilhelm's face that was probably not going to happen. Several times now Simon opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't think of anything to say.

"Walter has feelings for you. He's bisexual. It's not my business telling you this but clearly both of you are suffering. He misses his best friend and you clearly miss yours."


"I'm sorry Simon but Henry needs to know. Him not knowing us hurting both people. In any other situation I would never tell someone but this is different."

"Excuse me did you say Walter has feelings for me?" Like as in romantic feelings?"

The two boys completely forgot Henry was there. They we so distracted in their argument they didn't even realize what they should do now. This time both of the couldn't say anything.

"I'm gong to go talk to him."

The blond boy turned around and stared to speed walk to his room. His hair blew in the wind every which way as he walked up the school steps. He knew Walter had been in their room all day. So that's where he was going.

Two boys were left standing their dumbfounded by what just happened. Suddenly their senses came back to them and they realized what was happening. They looked at each other with wide eyes and without a second thought began to sprint after Walter.

The ran faster than Wilhelm could ever remember running. They pushed past students and teachers. They had to catch up with Henry before he met with Walter. But it was to late the door was opened. They knew Henry was inside.

"Henry wait!"

The curly haired boy yelled as he enter the room first. Wilhelm then entered to room a few seconds later due to fear. The two boys were in shock with what they found.

Walter and Henry were kissing. They are kissing. Now Simon and Wilhelm were extremely confused. Did this mean Henry also had feelings for Walter.
Or did this mean something else was going on.

"I'm sorry Walter. I'm sorry I didn't notice you like this sooner."

Henry smiled down at Walter. The two boys sat there for awhile staining into each other's eyes. The other two boys meanwhile sat their confused once again. The vibe of the room seemed off. They knew they were missing something.

"But like I said I don't see you that way. I still want to be your friend. I miss my best friend."

The future kings somehow managed to look even more confused now if that was even possible. They did notice something about Walter though. He was smiling.

"Someone needs to explain what's going on because I'm completely lost."

Simon finally said something for the first time today. Wilhelm felt the same way. Henry just kissed Walter but then said he wasn't interested what's happening?

"I missed my best friend. I told him that I didn't feel the same way but didn't care that he felt that way. To show him I didn't care I kissed him."'

All this misunderstandings slowly fled from the room. Now all that was left were four boys sitting in silence. It took awhile for them to finally build up enough courage to speak to each other.

"Walter you're not mad we told Henry?"

"Mad how could I be mad? I have my best friend back, had my first kiss, and it's only my second day back at Hillerska."

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