“Should be a false alarm.” Seeing this, the operator turned away.

The scout team did not find the military base, nor did the military base personnel discover the scouts. They were both close but could not see each other due to being blinded.

The initiator was Han Xiao, who was hiding within the scout squadron’s mechanical unit. He had directly used Virtual Technology to tamper with the scan results of both parties.

This scene was completely in line with Han Xiao’s script.

Before long, the Reconnaissance Troop’s spaceships landed in the city, and the various combat teams put on their equipment, successively stepping off the spaceships and onto the desolate streets.

“Come, let’s assign our respective missions.”

The captains all held a brief meeting before dividing themselves into three groups. One group would remain behind to prevent any accidents occurring to their spaceships, the second would proceed with the capture of civilians, and the last would be responsible for searching for any special facilities such as military bases and energy plants.

After assigning each team their mission, they broke up into small teams to move separately. Nero and Mia’s teams were responsible for exploring the abandoned military base in the suburbs. They took a ground vehicle to the destination together.

Within the vehicle, the combat teams maintained their silence. Nero looked around and coughed awkwardly before standing up and moving over to Mia’s side.

Mia, who was polishing her blade icily, glared at him before lowering her head to continue maintaining her weapon. Her tone was casual. “Why are you sitting here?”

“To chat with you.” Nero scratched his face. “During this period, we’ve been busy fighting and haven’t had time to talk.”

“What’s there to chat about?” Mia rolled her eyes. “We don’t even have enough time to sleep. You think we’re like you, being able to function without sleep?”

Nero was speechless, and after thinking about it, he replied, “Actually, I can teach you how to combat fatigue. In this regard, I’m very experienced.”

“I’m a pugilist, but I need you to teach me?” Mia laughed.

But Nero replied seriously. “As a pugilist, it’s more crucial that you learn this than me. A mechanic doesn’t require much stamina, but without stamina, the pugilist will experience a decrease in their combat capability. I’m afraid you will run into danger.”

“You seem to care a lot.” Mia gave a sideward glance at Nero.

“I said before, I will protect you.” Nero grinned.

“Humph, stop smiling. It makes you look like a fool.” Mia snorted and turned her head away. A few seconds later, she turned back ahead, pretending to casually ask, “So, how do you actually practice this fatigue combating?”

Nero scratched his nose as he spoke. “You have to first change your habit of sleeping. Under the state of fatigue, you must attempt to get your mind to remain working at full capacity. It will be difficult initially, but as someone who has gone through it, I have experience. If you feel like sleeping, you can come look for me.”

Mia nodded foolishly before belatedly discovering something wrong.

“You said to look for you when I want to sleep‽ Are you teasing me!”

A sense of shame rose within her heart, and she viciously hammered at Nero’s chest.

“Ah, did I say anything wrong?” Nero was at a loss, but because his mechanical suit was sturdy enough, he did not take any damage.

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