However, he was currently in the dynasty’s faction. The dynasty’s motive of exploring a new Star Field was to obtain new resources. With the advantage of absolute military might by their side, it was impossible for them to stop. It could only be said that both parties had a conflict of interests.

Since neither party was in the wrong, the one who was wrong would be the loser.

Han Xiao then wrote up a letter and sent some intelligence about the Kunde Race to Tarrokov. Without waiting for a reply, he sent out an order to gather his army.

“Summoning us to participate in the war?”

In the exploration fleet of the Black Star Army, the members of the Black Star Army received a message on their communicator. Some of them were excited, while others were grave.

Nero was a member of this exploration squad, and he immediately felt nervous upon receiving the order.

He had not made mental preparations for this sudden war. He had only participated in various different sparring matches but had never participated in a true war before. It was impossible for him not to be nervous.

Various different thoughts flashed through his head, and Nero could not help but let his imagination run wild. Will I be able to kill the enemy?

What does killing feel like?

Will I be killed by the enemy?

Will Mia participate in the war as well? Will she be in danger?

Just when he was letting his imagination run wild, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the captain of his squad, a burly freelance mercenary.

“Don’t worry kid, we will take care of you.” The captain laughed heartily.

“Relax.” The vice captain, who was currently memorizing his spells, looked over and said casually, “I participated in the secret war before, and war is only so-so. It is either kill or be killed. Death in a galactic war of such a level will happen in an instant. There won’t be any pain, so there isn’t anything to be nervous about.” Nero rubbed his head and forced out a smile upon hearing that. He had been sent to this squad under the identity of a maintenance staff. His captain and vice captain took good care of him, and his other squad mates treated him pretty well too.

In the battle squad of such a level, his background was not that important, and his personal combat strength was the most important. Nero’s strength was not too weak, and his Mechanic skills were outstanding. Thus, the other members of the team were willing to take care of him.

Although Nero was indeed feeling nervous about participating in the war, he did not have any intentions of contacting Han Xiao. He did not wish for any special treatment. While his godfather might agree to not let him enter the battlefield, his godfather would definitely look down on him. Nero did not want to let his godfather down after studying for such a long time.

Nero then walked to the side and took out his communicator. After hesitating for a moment, he dialed Mia’s number.

After ringing for a while, the other party picked up, but neither of them said anything. Only their breathing could be heard.

After a few seconds of silence, Nero then said, “Um… Did you see the internal notice already? I am going to war.”


“Er… Aren’t you going to be worried for me?”

“What’s there to be worried about? I was also summoned.” Mia snorted.

Nero felt his heart sink, and he said with hesitation, “Er… are you nervous?” “What’s there to be nervous about?” Mia asked with a strange tone. “Didn’t you already know that such a day would come when you became a Super? I am looking forward to the battle.”

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