9. Serial Killer? [pt 1.]

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Barbara and I were having our girls night,every friday we get together. She's commissioner now,so she's busy.

"Hey Babs,anything new at work?" I asked sipping my grateful dead.

"Well,for about 2 weeks now. There's been 3 murders.. We're not sure if their all connected or if its the work of a serial killer." Barbara stated.

I responded. "Sounds like a pattern serial killer to me,any idea who it could be?"

Barbara shook her head and said. " No idea,I can show you the crime scene. Maybe you could help."

I replied. "Yeah,I'll help."

We finished our drinks and walked 2 roads down,to an old warehouse covered in crime scene tape.

I used my gift to create a vision of what happend, I get visions of recreations of crime science's thanks to being half goddess.

I stared intently and began. "Perp came in through the unlocked backdoor. There was a struggle before the husband was stabbed repeatedly." I paused.

Barbara listened closely and encouraged me saying. "keep going for me Angel,what happens next?"

I replied "After that the wife walked in,he didn't mean to kill the wife.. it was an accident.
He pushed her causing her to fall down the stairs and die."

Barbara let me take a break,she know's this gift can't be used all the time.

"Could you see if it was Male or female?" Barbara inquired.

I reiterated. "Male,100% The brutality alone shows that. Look into everyone they know."

Barbara replied "Giovani and Lenore Wise,married for 50 years. They own the Wise Restaurant franchise."

I responded. "Look into anyone they knew,family,friends. Let's go back to the bar."

We laughed and walked back to the bar for more drinks. We each had 4 more drinks,we were drunk.

"I'm calling Alfred.. we're to drunk to drive.." I slurred pulling out my phone to text Alfred. Angel; Alfy,its me we're drunk. Alfred; On my way.

"Keep your ear out,if you hear anything about the case. Let me know." Barbara said.

I replied "Got it Babs."

Alfred pulled up and we got in,We drove Babs home first.

"Night bestie." Barbara proclaimed.

I replied."Night bestie xo."

Then next I got dropped off at my castle. "Are you gonna tell my dad?" I inquired.

Alfred answered. "No,you are. When you sober up... you're only 18.."

I relented. "I'm fine. I'll talk to dad tomorow promise."

Alfred helped me to my couch and said "goodnight Mrs Wayne."

I replied "night Alfy." Alfred left and I passed out on the couch.

Angel Wayne; Batwoman Rises AgainWhere stories live. Discover now