6. Dance With the Assassin,Again.

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I was just about done with my patrol when.

I had to dodge a bullet "Wtaf?" I proclaimed.

I heard Slade's voice, "I was aiming for you." He stated as he dropped down.

"Well you're aim sucks old man!" I yelled back.

I knew this guy was top tier,so I had to be better.

Slade walked circles around me,turning his back for only a moment.

"Rule 1. Never turn you're back." I exclaimed smugly.

I hit Slade with my stun baton.

All I could think was avoiding being stabbed by that sword.

Then I remembered my sword of Justice,I raised my hand up.

"Time to even the odds." I declaredm

The blade appeared in my hand.

The sound of the swords hitting eachother was almost hypnotic.

Blood covered the floor,dripping from our wounds.

"I'll last alot longer then you Batwoman." Slade stated with a smirk.

"Shut up Slade!." I screamed

I pushed  him back,and sliced his chest.

Then he grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the brick.

"You're not gonna kill me dam it!" I cried out.

I overpowered Slade,even suprising myself.

I used my flash beam to incapacitate Slade,and he collapsed.

I fell to my knees,and last thing I remember is dropping.

Damian ended up finding me.

"Blood sis?! Oh shit!." Damian exclaimed calling Dad.

"Dad Angel's knocked out,cold. There's alot of blood." Damian stated with slight panic.

"I'm on my way,stay calm." Dad responded calmly.

Even though panic filled him,as he approached.

"She's got some deep lacerations to her neck,left side and chest.
That explains the blood." Dad inquired picking me up.

Damian texted Jason, Spawn; Hey Ang got sliced up in fight.

Pawn; Fuc I'll be there in 10.

I woke up,In the batcave surrounded by Jason,Dad,Damian,and Alfred.

"What happened...Where's Slade?" I asked sitting up to quick,Pain bought me back down.

"Slade? Is he the one who did this to you?" Dad asked me.

"Yes,I got into a fight with him. I knocked him out." I said weakly.

"We'll find him,let's get you upstairs and in bed." Dad reassured.

Jason gave me his arm,I took it as he lead me to my room.

"Thank you,I'm so tired." I yawned.

Jason laid next to me on the bed.

"I'm sorry,get some rest you'll feel better tomorrow sweety." Jason said pulling me close to him.

I laid against him,and let myself go limp. As I drifted away.

Angel Wayne; Batwoman Rises AgainWhere stories live. Discover now