2.Graduation Day

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I was excited putting on my Cap and gown on over my white dress.

Preparing to give me valedictorian speech.

"I cant believe I have to give a speech." I inquired.

Dad reassured me with.  "you'll do great sweety."

The principal called me up and I got up there.

"Ladies and gentlemen of class 2010, The Gotham High Ravens.
We had a heck of a 4 years. This is our moment today is the start of our future.

Today we go from being teens to adults.
Remember you can anything you set you're mind to.

Dont let anyone tell you otherwise." I paused and continued

"Anyone who try's get them out of your life,you deserve to do what makes you happy.

So go out enjoy the summer,figure out where you wanna go in life and go.

Cheers to the class of 2010 the we can do it generation!"

I got a standing ovation,they loved my speech.

"She's a natural Master Bruce." Alfred stated nudging Bruce.

who looked extremely proud "That's my girl Alfred." Bruce responded.

We all got our diplomas and as our school song played.

We threw off our caps "Goodbye Gotham High,hello to what comes next." I yelled.

As I left I had a few friends but not many.

"Way to go sis,so proud of you." Damian proclaimed hugging me.

I exclaimed "yeah,sucks Jason didn't show up."

Damian said.  "He was there. I saw him I think isn't he still wanted?"

I inquired "No I dont think so,you really saw him?"

Damian nodded  and said "Yes mam. I did I know it was him."

I believed him and Alfred drove us all back to the Manor,we pulled up and got out heading inside.

"Suprise!" Babs,Dick,Jason,Cass,Steph, Duke and Tim all yelled as they jumped out.

"Aww guys thank you so much,Duke I'm so glad you made it." I stated happily hugging Duke.

Duke responded "I wouldn't miss it for the world Ang."

"Don't worry bestie I made the cake." Babs said hugging Duke and I.

I stated "looks amazing." We all ate cake and talked.

"So what's next for you Angel?" Babs asked.

I replied. "Well next month I'm going on a month trip to Peru to train. "

Damian interrupted "Peru? Can I go I've always wanted to."

I stated "sure D man if dads cool with it."

Fries popped up on the radar.

"I have to run out anyone need anything?" I said,everyone shook their head. 

I left. Jason was suspicious and followed me.

I got to Victor's location. "Give it up ice man." I said prepared this time.

The Fight was on,back and forth we exchanged hits.

Fries squeezed my sides which hurt like heck from the stab wound.

So I bashed him against the metal wall,which made me wince.

"Fuck you ice man!" I declared.

I finally got Fries by trapping his feet and removing his suits power supply.

"Now take a nap." I stated as I knocked him out and locked him to a pole in the building.

Sending a anonymous tip to gcpd. I got to the roof to see a man there.

"Hello Batwoman." He stated.

I inquired. "Hi uh who are you?"

The man answered. "Redhood. I know who you are."

I laughed and exclaimed "uh no ya don't."

Redhood replied "you're Angel Wayne,I know cuz I followed you."

I was concerned and questioned him "followed me from where? Who are you?"

Redhood took off his helmet "It's me Jason." He stated smugly.

I replied. "you're not gonna give me a Bruce lecture are you?"

Jason grabbed my hand and said "Nah. Let's go have some fun the night's still young."

I held his hand why not this could be fun.

Angel Wayne; Batwoman Rises AgainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin