4. Back From Peru

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Damian and I just got back from Peru.

"Master Damian,Madame Angel,how was Peru?" Alfred inquired.

I replied first "Great, bought this back for you. It's a Peruvian mace."

Alfred stated. "Very nice,it'll look great over the mantle. Thank you."

Damian said.

"I met a girl over there,her name is Starr. She was on vacation to,she lives in NYC."

Alfred replied "oh how wonderful,I'm glad you both had such a great time."

Bruce came down and hugged us.

"Welcome home you 2 how was your trip" Dad exclaimed

We both answered in unison "Thanks father it was great."

We both laughed,Dad laughed to.

"Oh I missed you both,you hungry?" Dad asked.

I replied "No thank you."

Dad pulled me aside into the den.

"Want to tell me what happend? With you and Michael." Dad inquired.

I answered. "Dad I'm 17,I thought Micheal was 19...
He even showed me an I.D.. but he was 25.. I'm disgusted with myself.."

Dad hugged me and declared.

"I'm sorry.darling... thank god it didnt go any furthere I filed a restrining order for you on him,and we can press charges since your not 18 yet."

I replied "I don't really want to do that,can't we just forget it."

Dad relented "Okay no charges but R.O is non negotiable."

I replied "yeah of course,I want one."

I looked at my phone it was nearly 11.

I was so tired I decided to skip patrol for one night,what could happen.

"I'm going to bed dad,Damian,Alfred. Love you all." I stated as I went upstairs.

I closed my door and turned my lamp on,to see Jason on my private deck.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Jason questioned. "I was wondering if I could sleep here?"

I answered. "What's wrong with you're room?"

Jason smirked and said.

"you're not there, please I'll sleep on the couch. I just want to be near you."

I gave in and relented "Okay fine,one night."

I loved it though,but I wasn't telling him that.

With that I fell asleep staring at him.

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