Chapter 1. The Beginnins

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"Is it ok? If your parents find out they will kill me," Zane said, while laying under Axxal's heavy and warm body.
"Yes. It's fine, I promise. My dad took a job, and my mom won't be back 'til late." Axxal reassured Zane, by his statement and left wet kisses on his neck and chest. Axxal was still "in the closet" and his parents weren't very understanding, Zane's mother knew he was gay, but she didn't know he was dating an Elf.

"Do you love me?" Zane questioned. Axxal never talked to him in public, and only called for 'dates'.
"What? Why does it matter?" Axxal asks while lighting a cigarette,
"Why does it matter!? It matters because we have been doing this for months now! I want a serious relationship. Not some sneaky link-"

Stomp, stomp

Zane and Axxal share a look of confusion. Axxal gets up only in his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs and walked to the door of his bedroom to see who's in his house. He opens the door and there stands Axxal's mob boss father looking him up and down. Then moves his focus from Axxal to Zane, who is completely nude hiding behind Axxal. Axxal's father, Hiroshi glares and both of them before walking into the room. Hiroshi looks calm. Too calm.
"Sit," Hiroshi demands. Both boys sit on Axxal's bed. Zane feels the tension in the air, like a punch to the face that lives your whole body numb.


Hiroshi backhands his son in the face leaving a red handprint on his cheek. Zane sits shaking with tears in his eyes from the horror and uncertainty of what will happen to him. Hiroshi pulls out a Glock from underneath his shirt hiding in the top of his pants. Zane glances at Axxal who seems to not be phased. Zane sits with tears gathering in his eyes.
"Axxal," Hiroshi says, demanding him to stand. Axxal stands with his head on the floor. Hiroshi grabs his one and only son by the chin and yanks his head up,
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Hiroshi yells and gives Axxal the gun.
"Kill him," Hiroshi demands while looking at Zane. Zane's tears begin to fall from his eyes leaving his tear-stained face horrified. Even in the middle of the day, the room felt dark and cold.
"I'm sorry Zane, I do love you. I just don't know how to show it. Please forgive me." Axxal says while tears build in his eyes, and points the Glock at his temple. Zane gasps and jumps up like a flash of lightning, and tries to grab the gun from Axxal's hand but his grip was too tight. Axxal squeezed the trigger. Hard. Zane took control of the gun while his boyfriend's guard was down.
Blood covers the walls, floor, and the one person that made him feel as if he belonged.
"NO! No, no, no, no, no!" Axxal cry's out while covering his mouth but is too shocked to look away. He grabs Zane, trying to stop the blood that's exploding from his lover's chest.
"Don't cry. I love you too," Zane says while drifting away into eternal sleep.
"Don't leave me, Zane. I'm so sorry, Zane. I love you. I love you so much!"
"Put him out of his misery. He won't survive, you're causing him more pain."
"I can't father. I love him!" Hiroshi punches Axxal
"A MAN CAN NEVER LOVE ANOTHER MAN. YOU BRING SHAME TO THE WONG WARRIORS!" Hiroshi grabs the gun and shoots Zane point-blank in-between his eyebrows.
"Clean this, then leave. I won't have a sissy boy living under my roof. Much less being the heir to my dynasty. Don't ever come back." Hiroshi demands while walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.

After hours of cleaning Axxal left. He left without packing, or even telling his father. He snuck out the window and never looked back. He lived on the street for a little over a year. Axxal always had money though, sometimes he got it just from looking attractive. Countless girls offered to shelter him, but he turned them all down. In October he decided to become a shadowrunner. He didn't have a SIN and he was a trained hacker. Axxal signed up for multiple different jobs. Four years later he signs up for a mission that involves retrieving some stolen box.

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