Teams Forged In Metal

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"I would keep my guard up if I were you. This guy's as much of a Legend as you all are."

Tyson and Ray grew excited. "Then that's just one more reason to be excited."

The third member of the team walked out, a black haired kid who looked slightly younger than both Gingka and Kyoya, but with a red strike in his hair, a green sweater above a brown shirt, and lightning shaped pants.

"Hey everyone! Guess who's going to be Number 1 in two universes!"

"The third member of Gan Gan Galaxy, the Lightning Unicorn and Team Dungeon recruit, Masamune Kadoya!"

He waved and thanked the members of Team Dungeon in the stands for coming to cheer him on as he joined Gingka and Kyoya, gleefully praising how they were going to win the whole thing thanks to him, but excited to battle alongside them.

"Kyoya, you're not used to kicking butt with us, so make sure you learn how me and Gingka roll."

"Last I checked, how many battles did you lose again Mr. World Champion?"

Masamune and Kyoya started bickering when Hillary looked at Daichi.


"Nothing. He just reminds me of someone I know." Daichi asked who, but Hillary offered to say nothing. Though she found it interesting Gingka and Masamune both had mythical horses.

"Now for the fourth member, formerly the third strongest member of Dark Nebula and the substitute member of Gan Gan Galaxy, the kid prodigy, Yu Tendo!"

Yu walked out with innocent green eyes reflecting how excited he was to be there, with certain members of the crowd mesmerized by his orange hair, his adorable white jacket-shorts combo alongside the sky blue sleeve ends, laps, and lime green markings. Despite the fact he might have been smaller than Daichi, every Blader there knew there was more to him than just looks.

Anwh, he's kinda cute. The others gave her a weird look. "Oh so Kenny can crush over a wannabe idol-"

"Excuse me Ms. Bladebreaker Groupie," said Ming-Ming jumping in once she realized that description fit her "but I'll have you know that-"

For once, Hilary didn't get upset and found a way to counterattack. "You used to be a fast food worker who could barely sing until Boris and BEGA found you, we know."

It was the first time Hilary got under Ming-Ming's skin, and the former was laughing on the inside while smugly grinning on the outside. "I wonder if you were even able to cook a simple fry well. Or did you dream of being an idol so much that you kept trying to make yourself a thing and then get kicked out when no one was buying what you were selling?"

Ming-Ming transformed into her Queen State. "Oh, and you think you can do better, when you can't even beyblade yourself?"

The two were ready to hurry passive aggressive insults when Yu joined everyone there.

"Gingky, Yo-Yo, Masamumu-good to see you guys! Ah I've been training so much for this!"

"Not wasting time goofing around with Tithi like before?"

"I was helping him be more open with the village so he has a better home. Then we started training and battling with everyone there. Get this, we even stopped actual bandits trying to rob the village," taking out his phone and showing them photos of him and the other short, purple haired Legendary Blader, Tithi, wearing his Mesoamerican mask. "We battled a ton too!"

"Seems he got a bit more confident. Good, now I can give him a proper battle when we get done with this tournament!"

"No Yo-Yo, you're too scary, even when you're all grown up!"

Beyblade: Metal Burst All-Stars Royale!! Interdimensional Crossover Tournament!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن